So if you're not on twitter you wouldn't understand but if you do well...
Anyway Anthony's twitter @ was always Smoshanthony while Ian's twitter @ is Smoshian. But recently Anthony changed his to Anthonypadilla, like his Instagram. And now it has lead fans to believe him and Ian don't care about Smosh and Ian too will change his twitter soon (even though he hasn't changed his icon in 2.5 billion years). So now a good portion of the fandom is either...
A. Threatening to leave
B. Bashing/blaming the crew (again)
C. Crying over a twitter usernameAnthony has already stated the reason he changed his twitter @ is because he just wanted it to be his full name. I mean it does seem easier because it's the same as his insta so now he only has to remember one username. But freaking out and calling it a sign the smosh is over is a bit extreme in my opinion. I know, Smoshanthony and Smoshian are iconic to the fandom but really? Idk just my opinion.

Smosh Thoughts
RandomHi Guys! This is my journal where I will post my opinions and thoughts on things related to Smosh. Again these are MY OPINIONS. You do not have to agree with me and if you don't please do not argue.