Chapter Five

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My sister and I sat on the loveseat with our arms wrapped closely around one another. We had been this way for over fifteen minutes after leaving the front yard. Alice had forgiven me and father... well he had yet to speak. I had been stealing glances at the still mysterious girl who sat on the twin couch across from us.

"So." I cleared my throat and shifted a little. "Uhm, I think you should explain who you are." Her hair was a pale blonde, definitely not white like my own but it was a silky blonde that cascaded in a waterfall to her shoulder blades. She had crystal blue eyes that stared warmly back into my own. She was about three inches shorter than me with a strong build of someone who was extremely tough. She wore a plain black shirt that hugged her with jeans and black hiking boots.

"My name is Ulani," She said with a clear and bold voice. "I am your Protector." I straightened at the word, remembering that the demon had said my Protector would come and find me.

"Can you explain what you are protecting me from?" Ulani gave me a small bow of her head as a breeze whistled through the open wind behind her. I was instantly on my feet at her scent. How had I not detected it sooner? Alice gave a noise of surprise at my sudden absence but I didn't pay any attention.

"You're like me." Ulani chuckled.

"Not entirely, I'm only Vampire and Elemental." My mouth opened in an "o" shape at Elemental. Elementals were exactly how they sounded; they were born with the abilities to control the elements usually finding one of the five that they liked the best. The elements included water, earth, fire, air, and electricity. Elementals were extremely powerful and I felt honored to be in the presence of one.

"So you can handle the venom?" I asked. She cocked her head to the right slightly.

"Only because I have had both Vampire and Elemental ancestors but yes. You on the other hand have four which is extremely rare." I sat back on the couch and continued to ask her questions.

"Are there more like us?"

"Aye, there are two more, both are male." I itched for more information.

"Well? Tell me!" She gave an airy laugh but complied.

"The first is named Eros and he has the mixture of Fae and Demon." Perhaps I should list off all Supernatural beings so it's not so confusing. Overall there are eight different races:

Vampires: Created by Lilith (the sister of Eve and lover of Adam)

Werewolves: Created by the Moon Goddess

Elementals: Created by Mother Teresa (some call her Mother Earth)

Demons: Formed from Lucifer (the mate of Lilith)

Fae: Handmade by God (also called Angels)

Phoenix: Created by the Sun God (the Moon Goddess's other half)

Sirens: Pieced together by Poseidon (the Sea god from Greek mythology)

Warlocks: Bounded together from a group known as the Salem Witches.

"That's amazing." I said in awe. "Who's the other?" She seemed to hesitate before answering.

"His name is Levi and he is like you. Originally born a Warlock but is now a Warlock, Elemental, Siren, and Fae." My mouth dropped open in shock and something in my memory clicked.

"That's who Miguel meant when he said 'you and he were the last hope.'" Ulani nodded and I suddenly felt sick. "What exactly do you expect from us?" She looked nervous but continued to answer.

"You've been chosen Trinity." I eyed her wearily as she inhaled. "You've been chosen to become the next Moon Goddess."


Well wasn't that a short chapter, darn!

I swear every time I move a part of my body cracks from sitting in this freaking chair for so long. I call a quits for the night. I will return in a few days with a new update. I hope this was as satisfying as the blood Trinity chugged back in that last chapter. If not then go chug some more and get back to me.

Um yeah that didn't really make much sense but hey I'm tired, sue me. Okay I take that back don't sue me just um - yeah good night now.







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