More than friendship (smut)

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Whoops the second oneshot. I don't know, but I love reading smut :D So I tried to write one by myself. And I think for the first one, it went well. What do you guys think??

Feedback would be really awesome ;)


More than friendship

Harry woke up in the middle of the night. Not because he wasn't tired anymore, no he heard a steady sound. It was like moaning.

Wait...moaning? Harry thought. He can't remember that Louis came with someone else home after he went out with Zayn for a few drinks.

Now, Harry was curious. He got up and walked out of his room and to Louis to the other side of the hall.

Harry didn't want to watch Louis sleeping, because he got always attached to him. Yes, he has feelings for Louis, but Louis was straight and Harry didn't want to lose him, just because of his feelings. It was satisfying that Louis was always at his side and sometimes they cuddled. For Harry it was like heaven, but for Louis a comforting thing, when he felt alone. That was what Harry thought.

When he heard another moan out of Louis room, Harry risked a look and saw Louis lying on his bed with his eyes shut. He was asleep, but breathing heavily and he was biting down on his lower lip.

Harry chuckled lowly. But he just couldn't take his gaze of Louis.

"Harry" suddenly Louis moaned. "oh yes, right there. Harry"

Wow that was weird, did he has a dream about him? Harry stepped into Louis room and went to Louis side. It was like a hypnosis. Harry didn't really know what he was doing. It was like his brain totally shut down and his body moved against his own will power.

He brushed with his fingertips softly over Louis face. First his eyebrows, his eyelashes, his nose and his lips, where he felt Louis breathing on his skin.

He leaned in and kissed Louis on his forehead, his lips lingering there for a few seconds. When he was about to stand up, he opened his eyes and looked directly into Louis ones. Harry widened his eyes in total shock.

"I...oh god, Louis sorry... y-you were talking in your sleep a-and I-I just thought you had a bad dream" Harry stuttered, slightly embarrassed.

Louis first confused look, turned into a grin "actually it was a quite satisfying dream" he said with a sleepy voice. "What did I say, Harry?" He said, and looked Harry deeply in the eyes.

"Uhhhm you..." He started but stopped in his tracks to embarassed and slightly overwhelmed to put into words what he just witnessed.

"Yes, Harry? Say it."

Harry cleared his throat. "Uhm you said my name"

"And?" Louis rised one of his eyebrows.

"Uhm... you've been m-, moaning"

Louis grin grew wider. "What's wrong about that Harry? Do you want to tell me something?"

"What do you mean?" Harry sat down on Louis bed. Their legs brushing against each other and Harry got goose bumps, just because of this little touch.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. You were touching me, while I was asleep and then you kissed me on my forehead. And I really want to know, why." Louis said, moved his body a bit closer to Harry and brushed his hand over Harry's arm. "So, curly? I'm listening"

"Louis, I don't know. I have no idea. I don't know what came over me but you..." He trailed of. While Harry was talking, Louis pressed his legs against Harry's and looked him deeply in the eyes not ending with his steady brushing of his hands again Harry's arm and his chest.

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