Picture Day

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Jon's pov
Yay my least favorite day of the year is here, picture day.. when I dress up to get a stupid picture for the year, woopie. The only reason I dress up is for hopefully Brie to notice me. But it hasn't worked before, don't think it ever will. Yeah I like Brie Bella, my best friend Colby thinks it's weird since Brie has a twin. He said he doesn't know the difference but I do, Brie is beautiful, while Nikki is pretty much fake from head to toe. She's Dating the captain of the football team John Cena. He is a jerk. Colby is Dating the Cheer leading captain Layla El, she is pretty but not Brie pretty. My brotha (not real brother) Joe is Dating Kaitlyn, so I'm the only one single.. That sucks. It was time to go take my picture, I walked in the room and Saw Brie, she was wearing a beautiful white dress (pictured above) She looked beautiful. She turned her head and looked at me, I looked down so I didn't embarrass myself

Brie's pov
Jon looks so handsome. Okay yeah I like Jon, is that such a problem? I think not. But my sister said it would ruin my reputation to be with him, I guess she is right. I hate being popular sometimes, All I want is to tell Jon I like him... But I can't. I took my picture then walked out and ran into someone
"I am sooo sorry" I said to the person
"No don't worry about it" A guy with a raspy voice said to me, I looked up and it was Jon. I smiled at him and he blushed. Awe he is so cute
"Okay, Again I'm real sorry" I said feeling nervous
"Don't worry Brie" He said with a smile
"No no not for running into you" I replied
"Then wha..." I didn't let him finish.. I crashed my lips onto his feeling so many sparks, What am I doing? I pulled away and walked off, leaving him speechless

So what do you guys think? This is for my bestie LunaticxHippie hope you love it girly

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