Chapter 3

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Chapter Three 😝

Patrick's POV

I was sitting next to Scurvy smoking and watching the soccer team play. I could see the rockstar off to the side holding a bottle of water. I find her quite interesting to be honest. Anyway, I was sitting and enjoying the silence until a boy came up to me.

"Hey" he says, I ignore him. "How you doin'?" He continues and I still ignore. "I had some great duck last night." Okay What?! I turned my head to him.

"Do I know you?" I ask, he ignores my question and points to the rockstar.

"You see that girl?" He says, I look her over and nod.

"Yeah." I say, then take a smoke.

"That's Ryder Roses. I want you to go out with her." He states and I scoff.

"Yeah, sure, Sparky." I say laughing, he sighs and starts talking again.

"Look, I can't take out her friends sister until she starts dating. You see, their dad's whacked out. He's got this rule where the girls..." Okay this has gone to far and uninteresting.

"That's a touching story. It really is.
Not my problem." I say shaking my head.

"Would You be willing to make it your problem... if I provide generous compensation?" He says, is he joking?

"You're gonna pay me to take out some chick?" I ask laughing a little.

"Mm-hmm." He replies. I let out a chuckle.

"How much?" I ask, this is interesting.

"Twenty bucks." He says, I look to the girl and see a ball coming towards her, I see her take out her pocket knife and catch it with that. The ball burst and the girl that kicked it groans.

"You're not suppose to burst them, Ryder." I hear a girl shout. Ruder laughs and shrug.

"Quit you whining." She says and kicks another ball up in the air, it goes behind her, she kicks it with her heel making it go over her again and then she kicks the ball towards them.

"Why aren't you on the team?" Coach asks.

"I don't have time be." She says and shrugs. I look back to Pretty boy.

"Fine, 30." He says.

"Well, let's think about this. We go to the movies, that's, uh, 15 bucks. We get popcorn, that's, uh, 53. And she'll want Raisinettes, all right? So, uh, we're looking at 75 bucks." I say standing and walking around him. He glares at me as I say this.

"This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it, Trailer Park." He says, I glare at him.

"Fifty bucks and we got a deal, Fabio." I state and he passes me the money. I smirk and turn to the field.


Ryder's POV

"Great practise, everybody." The coach says to the football team or shall I say soccer team. It was the day after my first day and I was standing behind Kat's bench holding a bottle of water for her. She comes towards me and k hold out the bottle for her. "Good hustle, Stratford."

"Thanks, Mr Chapin." She replies. I smile at her.

"You're good." I say. She smiles at me and shrug.

"Thanks. I'm gonna get change." She says and picks up her bag and goes walking off.

"Hey there, girlie." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn to see the guy I've bumped into a couple of times today.
"How you doin'?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

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