Chapter 4

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Chapter Four 😎

"RYDER! RYDER!" I hear someone scream from across the parking lot. I turn to see Bianca running towards me.

"Yes Bianca?" I ask, she and her friend are jumping up and down.

"Is it true? Have you finished you album?" She asks and I smile.

"I found spare songs I had written before and used them. So yes I've finished. And as promised, I'll think about it. Okay?" I ask and she nods quickly up and down.

"Thank you. Okay let's go." She says and they walk away. I climb off of my bike and grab my bag. I walk into school. Time to spend a day in hell.


"I'll see you later Kat." I say walking backwards out the store waving to her. I turn and run into someone and they catch me. As you've probably guessed. It's Screw guy.

"You're really falling for me aren't you?" He asks, I hear a snicker from behind him. I look around him to see Ross. I scowl and stand.

"No I don't think I am." I say and he smirks.

"You're not afraid of me are you?" He asks and I give him an confused look.

"Afraid of you, why on earth would I be afraid of you?" I ask confused. He smirks.

"Well you may not be afraid of me, but I'm sure you've thought about me naked?" He saying to me pulling my into him winking, I just now realise he's had his arms around my waist.

"I am that much like glass. I want you." I say bringing my lips closer to his, I pull away when they're just about to touch and get out of his arms. I walk to my bike and get on it. I see him wave his arms to my brother in defeat, who snickers in return.

"You mind?" I hear someone shout. I turn to see Kat reverse into JOEY'S CAR. Joey comes running out.

"YOU BITCH!!" He shouts at her. I burst out laughing and so does my brother and Screw Boy. I've just now realised, I've just nearly kissed him and I don't even know his name.

"Aww to bad it wasn't your face gel head." I shout to him and he glares at me.

"You're a bitch too." I hear him say. Right then. I place my helmet down and climb off of my bike. I start walking towards him. Kat gets out of her car. Rushing towards me, I feel someone grab my waist. Then my brother appears in front of me. I struggle and try to get out of whoever's arms.

"Ryder calm down, come on. Calm down." He says and I stop struggling and relax. I lean my head back and close my eyes. "Patrick take her over to her bike." My brother says. I don't know who Patrick is. But who ever it was picks me up and carried me to my bike.

"There you go lovely." Aaahh so his names Patrick. Okay. He places me down next to my bike and I open my eyes to see Joey drive off.

"I swear I'm gonna punch him one day." I say, Patrick smirks.

"I'd pay to see that." He says and I smile and laugh with him. I look around to see my brother and Kat talking and smiling leaning against her car. I smile and fist bump the air.

"Yes." I say and Patrick frowns. I smile and point to them. "I'm trying to get them together." I tell him.

"Oh" he says, and looks at them. "Yeah they fit." He says and I nod.

"Yes they do."

"So finished that album yet?" He asks, I nod and smile at him.

"Yeah, some people are more happy than others." I say and he chuckles.

"Yeah I've heard about your little situation. So Friday?" He asked, I let out a laugh climbing on my bike. He steps in front of it placing his hands over mine.

"You really want to take me on a date?" I ask and he smiles at me.

"Yes." I sigh.

"Fine." I give in and he kisses my cheek.

"9:30. Kat's place right." He says and walks away. I sigh and ride away.

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