Part one

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THIS IS MY FIRST STORY PLEASE DONT HATE Me also if you see typo's plz don't kill me bc english is not my first language okay im sorry


A new schoolyear... I sigh. School isn't my favorite thing do to; homework, waking up early and teachers. I'd throw some of them out of the school building if I could. I finally turn off my alarm after it has been alarming for the 5th time. While dragging myself out of my bed I hear my cellphone ring. I quickly glance at the device and see that Liam sent me a message. Deciding that i'll read the message later, I take a shower and prepare myself for the first day of school. I hear my mom call from downstairs ' Niall, breakfast is ready!' After hearing the word 'breakfast' I ran downstairs -almost falling from the stairs- I hear my mom laugh ' Niall, calm down it's only food, you know?' I took a seat ' Only food? Mom you've got to be kidding me' -yes I take food very seriously... too seriously sometimes, oh well!- Mom only laughed and continued with cooking. I recieve another message, oh totally forgot about that! 'I'm almost there, wait outside -li' it says, the message that i recieved before was Liam saying that he would pick me up... such a nice guy. He's my best friend, and he can be overprotective sometimes but I know he does that because he cares about me. After finishing my last pancake in a record time, i take my backpack and yelled a goodbye to my mom before leaving the house. Luckily I see Liam arriving - Irish luck holla - I step in the vehicle and Liam shoots a really bright smile. "Wow someone is a little too happy for the first day of school!" I say. " It's because we're finally seniors! I mean this is our last year here on this school and then we'll finally graduate and go to college.." He answered while driving to the school. "hmm.. yeah" I said while looking out the window. "Hey, did you also heard that miss Moonen is retired? - im sorry if i typed it wrong holla - "oh uh no.." I had honestly no idea who that was. Appereantly she supposed to be our math and homeroom teacher? Well i don't care, I just want vacation... My thoughts were interupted by Liam tapping on my shoulder "Alright, we're here!" he said with his usual smile. I want to thank God that we have the same shedule - thats what you call it right??- we walk directly from the car to the class, stopping on the way to greet people including Liams girlfriend Danielle, god i wish i had a girlfriend. After taking a seat next to liam I remember that I have no idea of what class we're in.. "Hey Li, what class do we actually have?" I hear Liam chuckle "Maths, you need to read your shedule" I sighed. That means we'll see who's the new teacher here. After a few minutes a tall slim but yet strong builted figure came walking in. Brown curls and really large hands? Wait... why am i thinking like that stop it Niall, you're straight! Appereantly Liam saw me staring because he gave me a weird look. Oh shit gotta learn how to subtle stare..; does that even excist? " Silence please!" said the gorgeous man.. wow niall stop it! After gaining attention, the green eyed male starts to introduce himself while writing his name on the blackboard " I'm Harry Styles, and I'm your Maths and homeroom teacher for this year!" From the corner of my eye i saw some girls staring at him... Well he is good looking, nobody can deny that. " So you guys know who I am" Styles started but i have no idea who you guys are.. I'll say a name from the list and you'll introduce yourself.. okay?" I hear muttered okays. Alright then. After a few names I heard mine. Wait oh shit what am i going to say? sos sos! "Niall?" the older male repeated "Uhh.. I'm Niall Horan and i like to play the guitar" i quickly say. This is awkward. "You have a different accent.. from where are you?" I look up, suprised that he asked. Wow... those eyes "Ireland" I muttered. I'm probably blushing as hell, fuck. "aha" was the only thing he said before moving forward with the rest of the list. After the introductions, he suddenly gave a test? Yes! I am serious, is something wrong with this man? You do not give a test on the first day of school. "Mister Styles, why are we having a test? We didn't even learnt a thing!" Liam said kinda confused. "I want to see if you remember something from last year, and how good you are at maths" he answered with a smile. Oh fuck, look at that smile. Wait, weren't I straight? Sexuality problems are for later, i have to focus on this test. Maths is not my strongest subject and i will probably fail.

-taking the test-


fuck you're kidding me. The bell has rung and I'm not even finished. I can't remember last year being so difficult... I'm trying to make up some answers, hey, you never know! , but my plan to save my test was interupted by the oh so sexy mister Styles. " You need to give your test, Niall. The bell has rung." someone help me his voice " Uh, yeah i'm sorry" i said barely audible. He only smiled at me and I almost ran out of the class oh god...

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