Happy Birthday

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Hot ashes from the comforting camp fire slowly and gracefully waltzed around in the air while the burning logs popped and crackled beneath them.

It was close to midnight and I was alone in the woods, staring deep into the fire as if I was in some form of trance. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The anti-social animal dealer who only comes to the Sunshine Islands two days a week. The smallest thought of him makes my heart race but sink at the same time. The racing part is because I really like him. And the sinking feeling is because I know he would never look at me in that sort of way. Ever.

A tear slowly trickles down my cheek at the thought. It hurts to know how he feels about me. He pretty much despises me. 

In the distance, I can hear the dry autumn leaves crunch beneath a pair of feet. That one sound makes me look up. And there, on the other side of the camp fire. Vaughn.

"Vaughn... I thought you weren't able to come here this weekend?" I felt so confused. Vaughn gave a small grunt and walked around the fire and sat next to me on the log that I was perched at. He was so close to me. He was that close, I could smell his aftershave and see his deep amethyst eyes sparkle in the light of the fire. 

"I wanted to be the first one to wish you Happy Birthday." He spoke softly yet roughly while he pulls his Stetson down and over his face (Obviously to hide some form of embarrassment). My eyes widen at his words. He wanted to say Happy Birthday to me?

I look down at my watch and see that it's only a couple of minutes before midnight. My eyes slowly look back up at him and I take a deep breath, ready to speak. But before I could get a word out of my mouth, I felt his index finger press firmly against my lips.

"You don't have to say anything, Chelsea. I know what you have been thinking. About me not liking you at all." He said while looking into my ocean blue eyes.

"Because you have been thinking the wrong thing." 

Those last few words caught me off guard. Did he just say he likes me?

Vaughn slowly pulls his finger away from my lips and cups it under my chin. I feel my lip tremble in surprise.

My watch beeps, signalling that it's now midnight. And before I can even see it coming, Vaughn's lips softly press against mine in a passionate kiss. I couldn't resist and I immediately kissed him back while I slowly wrap my arms around his neck.

Vaughn gently pulls away from the kiss and I can see lust grow deeply within his eyes. 

"Happy Birthday, Chelsea." He says before standing up. 

"Vaughn..." I softly call his name as I get up just after him. I didn't want him to go. Not yet anyway. He slowly turns to face me and tips his Stetson in farewell.

"Have a great day, Chels." He says one last time before turning away and walking into the shadows of the trees that surround me. 

And I am all alone again. Just standing there in shock. He called my by my nickname. And he kissed me.

Something tells me that me and Vaughn will finally get on with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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