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Ray Pov:

so I have been thinking about lana lately now and im thinking making her mine so I went to the jewelry store and brought this ring its called "angel"

(not a real ring not that I know of) well wish me good luck

@lana house

ray:*rings doorbell*

enya:*answers* may I help u

ray:im looking for lana

enya:shes upstairs *steps aside*

ray:*walks up the stair* hey lana

lana:hey ray *hugs*

ray:*hugs back*

lana:so what do u need

ray:I wanted to ask u something

Lana:go ahead

ray:ok lana I wanted to tell you that u was the best friend I ever had and I want to be more than friends so lana anthony would u do me the honor of be mine?

lana:*speechless* YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!♥

ray:*picks her up and spin her around*


lana pov:

so im rays gf now hurray my sister is now engaged with prod so its a happily ever after we snuggled in my bed and watch the tale of bloody mary it was scary!

me:*screams and trimbling*

ray:woah u ok *laughs*

me:-____- its not funny

ray:to me it is soz


ray:well its time for me to go *walks doenstairs*

me:*does same* *at the door*

ray:bye *kisses lana*



me:*close door and slide down it*

enya:woah did I miss something?


enya:ok but anyway my bae is coming over so can we be alone?



*knock knock*

enya:*squeals* HES HERE!!!♥

me:good for u -____*- *goes upstairs*

WE BELONG TOGETHER♥A RAY RAY LOVE STORY♥Where stories live. Discover now