chapter three

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calum's POV

The rest of that week went by quicker than I originally anticipated it would and before I knew it I was rolling over in my bed late Saturday morning reaching blindly out toward my side table grabbing my phone and holding it up in front of my face. The screen read 1:30 PM and I had three new text messages one from each of the boys asking for details about the party and whatnot. I yawned and covered my mouth with my hand before typing quick responses to each of them before throwing my phone down onto my bed and slowly sitting up. I heard my stomach growl and put my hand over it rubbing back and forth gingerly before getting up and walking over to my closet. I had the sudden urge to get out of the house and just drive for a little while added to the fact I was starving so I figured I'd drive somewhere to get something to eat. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a grey v neck and put them on smoothing down the wrinkles in my shirt. I grabbed my car keys and left my room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I made my way down the hall and just as my hand came in contact with the front door handle my mom appeared from the hallway making her way toward the kitchen, calling out to me as she did so.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Out for a drive, probably going to get some food." I replied.
"Alright, be safe. I love you." She called back.
"Love you too mum." I said before leaving my house. I hopped into my car and jammed the key into the ignition, starting my car up with a load roar from the old engine. I sped off down the road and just drove for a while. It still hadn't fully hit me that tonight was Skylar's party and I was actually going to it. I don't even think I've ever been to a proper party, I don't know what you're supposed to do there. Do you just get drunk and sleep with slutty girls just as drunk as you were? I didn't think either of those things were going to work out for me due to the fact I can't hold my alcohol down to save my weight, I'm such a fucking lightweight, and I'd only ever had sex about twice if I thought about it. It wasn't something I just went out doing with anyone, especially some of the girls from my school, lord knows where their vaginas have been. I spotted a Subway out of the corner of my eye and quickly changed lanes in time to pull into its parking lot. I pushed the glass double doors open and took a deep breath of air, taking in the sweet smell of various veggies, meats, and breads. I ordered a chicken bacon ranch footlong and sat down at one of the little tables in the fast food joint, unwrapping it and immediately going into it taking that first bite and sighing in content at the deliciousness I was currently enjoying. I heard the little bell ring as the front doors swung over and I brought my gaze over to it to look at who just entered. I did a double take and my jaw fell slightly agape.
"Mali? What are you doing here?" I asked, not standing up just yet to walk over to her since I was too enveloped in my sandwich and its tastiness. She lowered her sunglasses and stared at me for a second before a look of recognition spread across her features.
"Calum! Oh my gosh, hey little brother." She said coming over to me as I got up and gave her a hug. She returned the gesture and we stood there in our embrace for a couple seconds before parting and both of us sitting down.
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be at college, learning and shit?" I asked.
"Yeah, I am. I just thought I'd come down and visit for a couple days, I missed you, y'know?" She said taking one of my hands in her own.
"I missed you too." I genuinely said. She smiled at me before standing up abruptly and looking toward the line of people for sandwiches which had grown drastically since I ordered my own.
"I'm going to get a sandwich, and then we can talk some more, alright?" She asked. I nodded and she went off to wait in line. I stared off into space thinking about pretty much everything, but also nothing at the same time and let myself momentarily zone out, trying hard not to look too weird doing so. Mali returned and I shook my head recollecting myself before giving her my undivided attention, starting to delve into my sandwich once again.
"So, what have you been up to?" Mali questioned.
"Same old, mostly soccer and school," I said casually, "The boys and I actually got invited to a party tonight, though." Mali whirled her eyebrows at me and looked at me expectantly, most likely waiting for me to explain further. I just looked down at my feet and shrugged my shoulders innocently, not having much more detail about the whole thing to go into.
"Who's party?" She questioned further when she realized I wasn't going more in depth into the subject.
"Skylar's." I mumbled quietly.
"The Skylar, holy shit." Mali whispered teasing me. Apparently, I just talked a lot about her to everyone I even remotely associate myself with because almost everyone teases me about it.
"I know right, I don't know how it happened, but it did." I said.
"Alright, so I know about these kinds of parties and I want you to be careful, okay? You might be a little too innocent for the kind of shit that goes down at these." Mali warned.
"I am not innocent." I complained crossing my arms over my chest and pouting at my sister.
"Trust me little brother, you definitely are," she said smirking at me, " just don't do anything stupid please."
"You don't have to worry about me." I said reassuringly.
"You know I always do." She said. I smiled at her and she smiled back before I checked the time and realized I should probably get back home so I had enough time to get all dressed and ready.
"Let's go home?" I suggested motioning toward the exit. Mali nodded and told me she'd meet me at home before I got in my car and she got in hers and we left. I buckled my seat belt and started my car, the sounds of the radio blaring through my speakers. I scanned through my CDs I kept in my car and chose one, opening the case and sliding it into the slot, pressing play. I sat back and listened to the peaceful melodies of all time low filling my car as I changed gears and started backing up, and then pulled out of the parking lot feeling satisfied with the way today unexpectedly went and excited for what the night to come had to offer.

ok so I wrote most of this at 2 am so idk if it's actually good, buuut here it is :-) party will be next chapter so that's exciting

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