Chapter 3

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3 I whistled a toon and kicked rock as I walked to the others, as if a few thousand people weren't looking in my direction. Grabbing Kirito and Klein's arms I ran to Zero. Who nodded to me as I ran towards some alleyways, the three following me. Players can't kill me in town but I wouldn't be surprised if they hunted me down in another zone. "Well that went well" Klein said sarcastically. "You just had to open your mouth didn't you? Ugh that perv Kayaba, I hate that guy. He was always creepily watching you when you were around him. Why'd you accept his friend request?! How dare that bastard even send you a friend request! He doesn't deserve to be your friend!" Zero nagged at me, as we came to a stop at an intersection. "I'm dead either way, and I see no point in pissing off the game master, who by the way, has complete control over our lives. And he didn't ever creepily watch me, your just being over dramatic. I thought he was a nice guy, well, until now. Now I think he might be slightly insane. But ah, who cares. My opinion doesn't matter anyways. What does matter is clearing the game. I also suggest you guys avoid me, since people are going to try to kill me." I leaned against a wall, speaking slowly, savoring every virtual breath seeing as I'm going to die soon anyways. Zero leapt into my arms, dramatically claiming his love for me "You're my twin, my only love. I shalth never leave your side! And he was creepy, he had the hots for you big time. And not everyone was able to see you, only about a thousand at most were close enough during the event. So we'll be fine. Plus you're a level 35, you can defend yourself, and you have your hidden skill along with whatever Kayaba gave you. It's probably something useful." Klein nodded , but looked uncomfortable at the twincest and love proclamation Zero was displaying. Kirito nodded as well but rolled his eyes, knowing how Zero was. Thinking about what Kayaba gave me, I opened my inventory.

New Item.

Immortal Object: Reaper (2)

All of our eyes widened in shock, Reaper was one of the strongest swords in the game. Kayaba gave me two of it, for my secret skill. Dual wielding. No one was able to use this skill unless I entered them into the system using my admin controls. The only thing I can do as an admin. Kayaba made sure of it when we put the skill in. I pulled both swords out of my inventory, testing their weight. They fit perfectly. The swords had extremely long, shiny silver blades, with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds incrusted into the handle. The grip was leather and there were knuckle-guards with protruding spikes on them. It was far from the traditional Excalibur that everyone's heard in legends but it was what I requested to be in the game. In order to make it you require five extremely powerful swords, though none are near as powerful as the Reaper sword its self, and a max blacksmithing skill. I'm not sure what the most powerful sword in the game is but Reaper must be close to, if not one of the strongest. I opened a tab in the menu using my admin abilities and entered Kirito's name into the list of who can use the skill. I'd add Klein but he'd probably go bragging about his new skill and he'd get himself killed. Can't have that. Zero will get the secret weapon the he wanted put in the game, duel-wielding's not his thing. I sheathed both my swords, satisfied.

"Hey guys, my friends are kind of at the town. I had promised I'd join their guild when we all played together and since we're not leaving anytime soon they're probably expecting me. Do you guys want to join the guild?" Klein asked expectantly. Poor guy, I'd join his guild but I'd probably get him killed. Can't have that. "Sorry Klein but you'll get hurt around me so, no , I can't join. Thanks for the offer though. I'm sure we'll see each other soon. When I buy a house you can always come visit me?" I offered to Klein, hoping to not upset him. Truth is I mostly don't want to join because I have a feeling him and his friends will piss me off and I'll kill someone. Or they'll hit on me non-stop. Either way someone will die. "Yeah, I don't think me joining is a good idea either Klein, I've become a solo player" "I go where le twin goes". "So that settles it, that's too bad. I guess we'll see each other soon, message me. Bye guys." Klein waved and walked off, getting farther and farther away, until he was lost in the crowd.

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