Chapter 4

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            The crowd was massive. A few hundred players were gathered in town for a duel that was taking place. Apparently two guild leaders were fighting because of something that happened between some members on a raid. Orion said some members of Fuumaningun were working to raid a mini-dungeon to retrieve some high-power stealth weapon. When they got it and were leaving three high-power Laughing Coffin members slaughtered half of their group and took the weapon. Now the town's arena was filling up to witness a duel that would be between Laughing Coffins third in command and Fuumaningun's second in command. While Laughing Coffin is called a guild, due to their criminal activity under leadership, the guild is not recognized by the system, allowing their members to infiltrate other guilds. Which is how Laughing Coffin found out about the raid. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the 'third-in-command' Laughing Coffin sent was just a regular member. Almost no one has seen a Laughing-Coffin higher-up in the week that the game has been out. Laughing Coffin was an extremely small guild in the beta test, more of a group or small party. Word travels fast that they're getting better established. They set up their base in a safe-zone on a dungeon on the second floor, which was cleared the other day.

           I walked side by side with Orion and Laito, Laito being a member of the Blood Brotherhood. He came with me and Orion since all the other guys went out on quests and couldn't come with him. "I hear the Kaito guy from Fuumaningun is impressive. Then-again he is their second and command, and they are known for their power and speed. Who do you think will win?" Laito rambled on, excited for the duel. He doesn't get out much, he's more of the friendly caretaker of the guild house. "Depends on that Laughing Coffin guy, if he actually is the third in command. Laughing Coffin members have no mercy and are not known to fight fair. We will have to see how things go." Orion and Kaito gave swift nods and followed me to our seats above the arena. It was build a bit like a colosseum but smaller with darker stone and in more of a square shape than the traditional oval. The duel was announced yesterday and a decent flood of players arrived in town this morning, at least 500-800 players sat in the crowed. A man walked out onto the arena through a door in the side, an announcer it looked like. Two other players walked out onto the arena through doors opposing each other. One was wearing black armor with a thin black cloak, the hood pulled over his head and a glowing sword in his hand. A larger coffin with a crazed face was on the back of his cloak, signaling Laughing Coffin. The other player was tall guy with red hair and had grey armor, with a pirate-looking theme to it. He had a large silver battle-axe equipped and he looked quite angry. The Laughing Coffin guy just had a nerve-wracking smile, looking happy to be here.

"Shiitogai Kaito, second in command of Fuumaningun versus Tashihara Masako, third in command of Laughing Coffin." The announcer nodded and retreated to the safety of the stands. With a grin Masako sent Kaito a duel request, which he accepted. The timer was counting down, as the two circled each other. Masako looked so uncaring and bored, as he lazily dropped his shoulders. Though, with the look on his face I knew he was excited, with that wide Cheshire grin. He was excited to inflict pain. Excited to kill Shiitogai Kaito. I knew because the look he has mirrors the one I know I get, right before I go into battle. Right before I go in for the kill.

The final second on the timer disappeared, signaling the beginning of the duel. Kaito angrily launched his self at Masako, bad move on his part. Masako swiftly dodged his pointless and irrational attack, landing his own blade into Kaito's side. There was a sudden uproar in the crowed when Masako's sword burst into flames, still lodged into Kaito's side. Who then sunk to his knees and screamed as the flames began to spread, while Masako dug his sword deeper and deeper. Loud and insane laughing was heard as Masako got bored with the attack, and decided to start chopping off fingers, and then came Kaito's hands. By the time he stopped Kaito was on the verge of death, nearly engulfed in flames. Was that the weapon that was retrieved from the raid? If so I don't think it should qualify as a stealth weapon. Anyways, how did they get a weapon like that on the first or second floor? A weapon that can engulf you in flames is pretty powerful. Maybe even as powerful as my duel Reaper's. It would only make sense to find it on a floor around 50.

A sorrowful scream was heard throughout the arena as Kaito stared into the eyes of his killer, who was still wearing a Cheshire grin. Looking towards the sky, Kaito's body burst into shards of glass, floating off into the distance. The crowd was silenced, which then followed by clapping, gasps, and screams of rage. Masako then gave a mock bow, (as I've done many times before) and then turned to leave. The 'winner, Masako' screen still in front of him. "I guess I put money on the right guy then" "You bet Tashihara would win? How could you support that guy?!" Voices were heard behind me, arguing on the duel. "It's not me supporting him, its me knowing Shiitogai Kaito was an idiot." "How could you say that?!" Ignoring all the arguing around me I moved out of the arena's crowd, Laito and Orion flanking me. The crowd got thinner as we neared the exit. Almost reaching the door, a figure emerged out of an entryway to our left. Masako. "Congratulations on your win" I said, not bothering to stop. "Oh yes, it was very exciting, wasn't it? Most fun I've had all week. "Masako followed the three of us out, making Laito and Orion on guard. I could care less though, since I had those two behind me acting as human shields. "Nice to know" I glanced back at Masako, somehow I feel as though I've met him before. His voice is familiar, as is the exposed lower half of his face. If I saw his eyes, maybe I might know who he is. "Might my number one fan care to tell me her name?" My left blade was instantly pressed against his throat, my right arm drawn back so I could angle my blade towards his head. I can't kill him in town, but threatening him will get my point across. I am not to be underestimated or bothered. Some future serial killer is the last thing I want to deal with. Him smile widened as the sunlight shined on my blades. Nothing was heard other than the rustling of the wind in the trees and voices off into the distance. No one moved. No one breathed. Seconds passed, until Masako decided to speak. "So you're Estelle, the dual wielder. I've heard exciting things about you. Care for a duel?" A duel? Is he out of his mind? If he actually thinks I'd duel him with that blade of his he's crazy. "Not with that blade you're using, I'd rather not be burned alive, thanks." "Oh but for a face as pretty as yours, I think I might just go easy on you" Laito looked mad and Orion scoffed, mimicking my thoughts. As if I need him to go easy on me. I'll kill the Laughing fool. "Fine, it'll be a formal duel. Go tell the announcer" He smiled and waltzed back into the arena. Idiota. "Your really going to do this Stelle? Laito questioned, apprehensively. Of course I'm going to do this, you idiot. I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't planning on it. "Yep." With that I followed Masako's direction, into the arena. I went to the challenger's door that was in the tunnel. Through this door was the arena, where I might not come out alive. Ah, but I probably will. Doesn't matter either way. After a few minutes of waiting, man to the right gives me the signal to go through. Opening the door the sunlight shine's in my face, and I hear the crowd gathered. Orion and Laito sit in their same seats as before. Laito was looking anxious but Orion was calm and collected, he knew what I was capable of. He had seen me fight before whereas Laito hadn't. As far as Laito knew, I could be completely helpless. He had only heard of my duel wielding title and what Kayaba had said on the first day. I guess his opinion of me might change after what will happen today.

Across from me was Masako, on the opposing side of the arena. We slowly walked close and closer towards each other, along with the announcer who looked a lot calmer than before.

"Again we have Tashihara Masako, third in command of Laughing Coffin versus a new opponent, Estelle the dual wielder." Estelle the dual wielder, huh? That's what Masako told them to call me? That's a sucky title. "Let the duel commence" With that the announcer fled into the door he came through. What a puss.

I sent out a duel request to Masako, which he pretended to think over but reguardlesly accepted. The timer counted down as we circled each other, like predators. This battle won't go down like his last. I'm not Katito. I'm not weak. 3, 2, 1!


Short chapter today. I'm tired and I don't feel like writing much. I'll update probably tomorrow.

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