Chapter Four~ Packing

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This is just a filler chapter. Sorry it took so long to update.


Chapter Four~ Packing

* Rhines POV*

After 10 hours of mall walking we got back with dozens of bags with designer clothes, shoes and accessories

"Did you really need this many clothes?"

" Yes Niall and thank you for paying for them"

"You're welcome"

"Come help me pack"

"We aren't leaving for a week"

"I know but I want to make sure I"ll have  everything I'm going to need."

"Ok lets go"

**30 minutes later**

'I can't believe you think you're gonna need that many clothes"

"It's not that much"

"We packed seven bags"

"Yeah, only seven"

'How much do you usually get?"

"A lot more than this"

Niall just looked at me like I was crazy and left my room. On his way to raid my kitchen his phone buzzed.

"Who's the text from?"

"It's just Liam telling me that  the flight was moved to tomorrow"

"What? It's tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I guess it's a good thing you wanted to pack early after all"

"But I'm not anywhere close to ready!"

"Well while you go finish packing then I need to go home"

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow morning then"

"I'll come by around 5 to pick you up so be ready"

"I will"

*Nialls POV*

I walked out the door and headed home to pack for the trip. I can't believe she thinks she has to bring everything she owns with her. It's just a few months not a year. Well I guess she must be really excited to meet the lads. I hope they all like her. I'm sure they will but you never know what can happen with them around. They are fantastic and I don't know where I would be without them but they can get pretty crazy.

When I got to my room my buzzed again and it was another text from Liam. 

LEEYUM: Make sure you are at the air port with Rhine by 5:30

NIALLER: Ok we will be there

LEEYUM: Have you packed yet

NIALLER: I was just about to

LEEYUM: Bring clothes and not just food 

NIALLER: But I left clothes there

LEEYUM: Still bring some with you

NIALLER: Fine  I'll see you tomorrow

LEEYUMAlright see you tomorrow Nialler

That boy knows me way to well. He's not even here and he knew exactly what I was planning on doing. I guess that's what happens when you live together for so long.

A/N: Sorry that it's so short. I'm only on Ch 4 and I already have writers block. Please comment and tell me what you think!! I'm not sure I'm gonna continue this story.

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