Chapter Two~ The big news

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Chapter Two~ The big news

*Rhines POV*

While I was changing into my pj's, I heard my phone buzzing on the night stand. "Who in their right mind would be texting me at one in the morning!" I said to myself. It was for Niall telling me to come outside. He wad left hours ago and I couldn't think of why he would need to come back.I texted him back asking him why he was here.

He just told me to come out. I walked outside to see what he wanted. i didn't see him anywhere. "Niall!" I yelled down the street and got no reply so I turned around to go back inside he was an inch from my face. I jumped back screaming from surprise. 

He laughed " What took you so long and why are you in pajamas?"

"Because I didn't want to come out here and it's one in the morning!

"Oh... Well come on."

"Where are we going?" 

"You'll have to wait now won't you." he had a cheeky smile

"This better not take take long You of all people know how grumpy I get when I'm denied my beauty sleep!"

"You're gonna have to take a long nap then."

I playfully slapped his arm "You better be nice to me or I'll go back to bed!"

"Ow, what was that for? You know I was joking!"

 "You deserved it, now where are we going?"

"You have to wait Rhine. You have to b e patient."

'I don't know how to be patient!"

"Well then I guess it's a good thing we are here."

"We are only at your house."

"Only my house? My place is awesome!"

"I meant that I've been here a thousand times and what ever you have to show me probably could have waited until morning."

"I couldn't wait till morning. Now come on!" he lead me through the front door and up to his room.

"Well than what is it?

"The guys and I are starting  the tour early and we're in one week!

"You're leaving again? You got back only a few days ago!"

"I haven't gotten to the best part yet! Paul said that you can come with me!"

I stared at him in complete shock. "I- I'm going... to get... to travel... with One Direction... and actually meet... all of... One Direction... together... on tour...and... this is... real... right?" trying to comprehend what I was just told.

"Yes, you are going on tour with one direction and you will meet them too. This is very real. I promise that I'm telling you the truth. This is not a joke so you can continue to breathe now."

I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. I slowly took deep breaths trying to make myself calm down. "What if they don't like me?" 

"I know that they will love you Rhine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. So, do you want to come?"

"Of course I do, but-" I was saying when Niall interrupted

" Oh good! I was so scared that you wouldn't want to come and that would have been terrible-"

"Niall! Calm down! I was saying that I want to come, but I don't think I can."

"Why couldn't you?"

"Because I live here."

"You could still come! That is if you're sure you want to."

(A/N: This is where the prologue is)

After an hour of fighting with Niall I left to go home and really decide if I want to go with him or not. I really want to go with him but I can't take months off of work!  I can't quite  my job either. I decided I would just go to bed and figure all of this out in the morning.

(A/N: I really hope you like my fan fic! fan vote comment! Please tell me what you think!

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