Untrusted Love - Chapter 27

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The Next Morning

Nick quietly stood up from the couch, remembering what had happened yesterday. He went over to the desk and got his shirt that Allie had on. He walked back over to her and put it over her so she wouldn't get cold. He went for his pants next and put them on. Next his white t-shirt. He fixed his hair a little, then walked over to the door and pecked out.

It looked like it was morning. Were they stuck in the store all night or did everyone else leave? It was still raining outside, but not like yesterday. He slipped out of the room and closed the door behind him. He walked up the aisle to the front of the store. There were some people sleeping on the floor, and others sitting at the tables drinking coffee.

He turned down another aisle when he got to the front of the store. He walked down it, looking at the shelves. He picked up something for him and Allie, then walked back to the front of the store. He sat it on the counter and took his wallet out to pay.

There was a TV on the wall and the morning news was on. It caught his attention when he heard that there was a car wreck. He looked up and listened to what happened.

The  female mew reporter was explaining, "There has been an accident on Faital Road. A older man was driving and crashed into a tree. The tree wasn't stable and fell on top of the car, but luckily, the man survived. He was rushed to a near by hospitle to be treated." Nick watched as pictures appeared on the screen from the car wreck scene. He looked at the car. It looked to familiar.

"No." He said, stepping back from the counter.

"Are you alright, sir?" A voice came from behind the counter.

Nick put his hands on his head and backed away more.


Nick looked at the person behind the counter. "Yeah." He said then quickly rushed to back of the store. He stopped at the door and wiped his eyes. He had to leave. He had to go to the hospital. He opened the door slowly. Allie was awake. She was sitting on the couch still looking tired.

"Hey, you." She said.

"Hey," Nick started.

"Come here." Allie patted on the couch for him to sit beside her.

"We have to leave, Allie."

"Why?" She looked disappointed.

"I have to go to the hospital.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"No. Yeah. I'm fine. I just saw on the news that my dad was in a car accident. I really have to go, Allie."

"I'll come with you." She demanded.

"No." He was serious.

Allie looked at him. "I want to come with you."

"Allie," He paused to think of something to make her not want to come with him, "Your parents are going to be mad if you're gone any longer. They most likely know you're with me. I don't want to be the one that causes you to get in trouble. I'll walk you home."

"No! I want to go with you." She stood her ground

"No!" Nick yelled. "You don't need to be there!"

There was a silence between the two of them for a few minutes.

"Let me take you home." He offered again. He didn't want to apologize for yelling. She needed to know that he was serious. He could talk later.

She stood up and got dressed without looking him in the eyes then gave him his shirt. He put it on, knowing that she wasn't happy with him.

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