Dead time....

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hahahah by the title i guess youd think im dead....... well you sadly............. are wrong. NAH NIGGAHS THOUGHT I WAS GON DIE TODAY lol what would be the point of starting this amazing journal if i was to die this early in the story? silly silly audience. im in bed right now icing my wounds the fricken car gave me that damn truck is like a fucking ram of metal. HOLY NIP SHITS I NEED A SNACK. okay so i grabbed a brownie from my kitchen i lay back in bed Kollin laying beside me rubbing my back as i write. Duncan is with AJ and Raqelle trying to calm down he feels really guilty like this is all his fault,

 great guess who decided to walk in! DUNCAN yep. 

D: "can we talk Emily?" he came extremely close to my face. Kollin looked pissed.

K: " can you get a damn breath mint?" i had to hold back my laughter knowing it was a serious time. but kollin had this bad boy smirk that made me want to melt in his arms 

E( is for emily while M could stand for me or michael): " dont be an ass kollin..." i giggled and rolled my eyes not expecting his next response WARNING IT IS SOME KINKY SHIT AND I HAVE ALTERED IT SLIGHTLY FOR READERS SAFETY

D: " Hey they say you are what you eat huh Kollin" 

K: " ahhh so thats why ur mouth smells like SHIT."

E: " shut up, idiots " so you know being semi responsible i went and pulled duncan out of the room and sat him down " yes duncan?"

D: " i have a confession..... im so sorry for what happened if i wasnt so jealous of you and Kollin it wouldnt have happened and i-i............." he stopped talking and i was confused why Michael was sitting listening by 

M: " moms coming to make sure you are asleep emily come on..." michael put me to bed and i fell asleep..... thinking what were his next words..... does he like me? 

~~~~~~~~~~~ its short i know the bed time ones will be shorter only because its like 1;12 and im becoming lazy AHHHHH anyway my birthdays coming up ayeeeee okay night my lovely book worms

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