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Hey! So writing in first person is kind of becoming difficult for me so I'm going to try and write in third person POV, okay? Anyway, hope you enjoy reading!


Amber and Tyler had made it to Amber's house, they were sitting on the couch laughing at the movie on the screen. Amber had chosen an old movie that she would always watch whenever she was upset.

"I want a blow job" The movie played, Amber let out a loud laugh Tyler joining her

"I love Dylan in this movie" Amber smiled "he's hilarious"

"He is" Tyler agreed, neither of the two young adults taking their eyes off the screen that was playing, High Road.

Another loud laugh was heard from Amber, she couldn't help it. The whole scene for her was hilarious.

Tyler looked over at her, his attention on the movie forgotten. His attention only on Amber, he saw how when she laughed her nose would scrunch up or how when she smiled her dimples would show off. Tyler smiled, noticing how she was beautiful with out trying.

Tyler turned his attention back to the movie, seeing that if she caught him looking he would become a stuttering mess.

Both of them continued to watch the movie, Tyler sneaking glances at Amber and Amber sneaking glances at Tyler. Neither them aware that they were both doing so.

After a while the movie ended making Tyler and Amber face each other

"So Tyler" Amber started "you never did show me your tattoos" she gave him a small smile, Tyler returning it

"Well I have this one" he moved his shirt sleeve up revealing three black bands on his Bicep "and this one" he pointed to his wrist were there were three other small skinnier bands around it, but in the center they had different shapes connecting it. How she didn't notice that one before confused her

"Those are insanely cool" amber muttered "is that all you have?" She asked, fighting the urge of wanting to trace the tattoos with her finger

"I have these also" he then moved his left arms sleeve to reveal a negative space tattoo that read carpe noctem

"Seize the night" amber murmured

"Correct" Tyler spoke up

Tyler then proceeded to show her the rest of his tattoos which weren't many but they didn't care, tyler saw how intrigued she was by them and kept talking to her about them. The story on how he got them and what happened when he got them done


Tyler and Amber where in Amber's kitchen laughing at a joke Tyler made, coffee mugs in both of their hands

Their laughter died down and they both sat in a comfortable silence until Amber's phone rang

Looking at the caller I.D she saw that her mother was calling and that's when she remembered that she had called her mother to tell her that she was going to go pick up her dog

Answering the call Amber heard her mothers soft voice "hello"

"Hey mom" Amber drawled out awkwardly noticing Tyler's stare on her "what can I help you with?"

"Well you said you were going to come and pick up your dog yet you haven't shown up" her mother told her

"I know, I'll go Right now" Amber sighed running a hand through her hair

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit then sweetie" and with that her mom hung up on her not letting her say a quick 'bye'

Amber looked over at Tyler "I need to go pick up my dog from my parents house" she informed him "so I'm really sorry I have to cut this hang out short" she muttered standing up and putting her mug of coffee in the sink

Tyler followed her actions but interrupted her from getting out of the kitchen "wait" he grabbed a hold of her upper arm, she turned and faced him an eyebrow raised

"Yeah?" She wondered what he was doing

"I'll go with you" he smiled "it is getting late and I dont want you walking around by yourself"

amber grinned and aww'd internally, she couldn't believe he was being such a gentleman. This is the first guy to ever be this nice to her. "Thanks ty" she said and took his hand, walking both of them out to the living room where her coat was

Slipping on her coat, she turned to face tyler a grin on her face as she adjusted the jacket "lets go"

Tyler smiled and nodded his head, grabbing his hand again, Amber lead him to the front door and soon they walked outside in the cold night.


"Sorry for not picking him up earlier" Amber apologized to her mom, they had gotten to her parents house a few minutes ago and were now leaving. Bandit with them.

"Its fine hun" her mom smiled and then looked at tyler direction"and it was nice meeting you Tyler, hopefully next time we meet again you'll stay longer than a few minutes" her mom gave Amber a pointed look

Amber rolled her eyes "okay mom" she heard Tyler try to shuffle a laugh and looked over at him "what's got you laughing?" she rose an eyebrow

Tyler cleared his throat "nothing"

Amber nodded her head, not believing him "mhm sure" she looked back to where her mom was and saw her with a strange expression but dismissed it " alright well talk to you soon mom" she gave her a hug

"Okay, take Care" her mom told the two and Amber stepped back grabbing a hold of Tyler's free hand that wasn't holding her dogs red leash

Her mom shut the door and then the two of then were off, making jokes as they walked. Their laughter and the occasional bark from Bandit being the only things heard in the empty streets

"So tyler" Amber started off "what were you laughing at back there?" she asked

Tyler let out a small laugh "at the fact that you seem like a teenager around your mom" he shook his head, the small smile he had growing

"Wow" Amber laughed "I didn't notice that, I guess I do"

Tyler squeezed her hand, reminding Amber that they were still holding hands "yeah well now you know" he told her

Amber looked up at tyler, her being a few inches shorter than him. He had his gaze ahead of him, Amber smiled to herself "yeah" she agreed with him "now I know"

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