House rules

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"Edward Elric! If I have to tell you one more time to drink your milk you will be sleeping with Den!" Winry yelled at the stubborn man. Edward wouldn't listen though. He kept on starring at the white liquid that sat on the table, completely disgusted at it's existence.

"I'm not touching it Winry" Edward said stubbornly. Winry frowned as she started getting angrier.

"Look! Even Ethan is drinking his milk!" Winry shouted, pointing to the little blond baby slurping at his bottle of milk. Ethan seems to love milk.

"He's no child of mine Winry" Edward pouted.

And then wham.

Edward was doubled over in pain. It seems Winry could only resolve her anger with a wrench. Ethan and Alphonse both laughed in hysterics at Ed. But the blond was not impressed.

"OWWWW! Winry! God damn you women!" He cried. Winry, as delighted with herself as she was; took little Ethan up to the bathroom.

"I'm giving Ethan a bath, if that milk isn't gone by the time I get back, you know where the second wrench is going!" Winry warned menacingly. Edward quickly crossed his trembling legs.

"Hehe no more kids for you brother" Alphonse laughed. Edward shot daggers at him but he didn't seem to notice much.

Edward sighed and took his his glass of milk and poured it out the window. 'This should shut her up' he smirked.

"Edward why are you pouring milk onto my roses?" Granny Pinako questioned.

Edward froze and laughed nervously. "Ahh they looked like they needed some nourishment" he stuttered.

Pinako just shook her head. "Edward come out here would you, I need to have a word with you"

Edward swallowed hard and nodded his head. Whenever Pinako wanted something it usually wasn't good.

Edward walked out to the back yard and headed over to Pinako. She stood there and watered her little shrubs, not even turning to Ed.

They stood in silence for a while. Edward nervously scratched his head and waited for the old little lady to speak.

"So Edward, when are you going to marry my grand daughter?" She asked

Edward froze. The question took him by surprise. Egh not this again.

"Well I'm not sure Granny, why do you keep nagging me about this anyway?" Edward sighed.

Granny kept watering her little garden, not even turning to face Ed. "Well as you know Edward I'm getting old. I won't be around much longer. And by the time I pass on you will take my grand daughters hand in marriage"

Edwards face fell. It was true Granny will pass on soon. And it's the least she could ask for.

"Alright Granny, I'll propose to Winry. I do want to marry her, more than anything" he said.

Pinako kept on watering the garden, obviously deep in thought. But Edward could see the slight hint of a smile.

"Good boy"

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