Maybe where crazy in love

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Tonight was the night. The night Edward had dreamt of his whole life. Finally he would be with Winry for the remainder of there life. Edward would propose to Winry. He had decided to do it during dinner, in front of his family. It had seemed so simple in his mind, but he had forgotten one small detail.

His family were bonkers.

Dinner was hectic to say the least. Alphonse argued with Granny over her tobacco smoking, a battle Al knew he'd never win.

Ethan was causing all kinds of mess, refusing to eat his pasta unless it was smeared onto the roof. Winry tried to reason with the screaming child but it was obvious her patience was wearing thin. Edward sat at the head of the table procrastinating how this proposal was ever going to take place.


Maybe if he took her into the lounge room...


Or he could jump onto the table and serenade her...

"EDWARD FOR GOD SAKES HELP ME HERE!" Winry screamed at the dumbfounded blond.

Ed shook himself from his daze and headed over to Ethan, the little daemon spawn had nocked over a glass of juice by now. Edward lifted the child out of the baby chair awkwardly.

"Jeez Win, if I had of known you couldn't handle kids, I wouldn't have knocked you u- OWWWW GOD DAMN IT" Edward yelled, holding his head in pain. "Who even brings a wrench into the kitchen!" He complained. She just wouldn't part with that wrench.

Edward held the giggling little Ethan and took him up to the bathroom, siting him on the edge of the sink and wiping him clean.

Edward sighed. "How should I do this little buddy?" Ed asked him. Ethan looked up at his dad and stuck his tongue out. "Well thanks for the help" Edward laughed.

Ed lifted Ethan up and carried him to his cot, tucking in the little baby and kissing him lovingly on the forehead. Edward thought too himself, maybe it's not all that important? It just had to be done. At the place where it all started.


"Edward where are we going? My feet hurt" Winry complained, dragging her legs up the large hill.

"You'll see when we get there" Edward said stubbornly. Winry just sighed and kept on walking. The blond looked as if he was on a mission.

They soon arrived at a dusty pile of rubble and burnt timber. The remains of the Elric estate. Winry looked over at Edward, who stared intently at the mess.

"Ed...why are we here?" Winry questioned, the worry in her voice caught Edwards attention.

Edward sighed. "I've been through a lot Winry, we both have. And this place...this is where mine and Alphonse's lives began. As children, as victims of humanity's cruelty, as Alchemists...and as the people we are today" Edward said. He turned to Winry and took her hands in his.

"But you've been here with me the whole way Winry. Even when I thought I was alone, when I believed it was just me and Al against the world" Ed chuckled softly. "And I've seen you grow Win, I've seen us grow and start a family. I want us to always be together, forever."

Edward smiled and got down on his Automale knee. Winrys eyes widened is surprise. It was happening. Edward was going to propose to Winry. He was shaking, nervous as all hell.

"Edward what a-" Winry stuttered but Edward cut her off.

"I love you Winry. I always have and I promise to always be here for you. No matter what." Edward said, a warm smile forming on his lips. "you have always been by my side, even when i didnt deserve it" He said sheepishly, looking down at his feet."And now its my turn to return the favour" Edward said with a smile. He lifted the little ring box out of his jacket and opened it up.

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