Best Man

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Edward sat at his old wooden study desk in his dimly lit bedroom, Winry fast asleep in the queen sized bed across the room. Edward furrowed his brow and ran his fingers through his long golden hair. Edward had been scrunching up paper and tossing it in the bin for around 2 hours now. He was trying to write a letter to Mustang, regarding him to be his best man for the wedding. But Edwards attempts fell short of truly expressing his wishes for the former Colonel. Basically, he was stumped.

"Aghhh god dame it why does this have to be so hard" He cursed under his breath, scrunching up yet another failed letter.

Edward slumped back into his chair and procrastinated for a while, tapping his pen on the table top.

'What does Führer Mustang mean to me anyway' Edward thought. He had a couple ideas in his mind
A good friend
The leader of a nation
A hero
A legendary alchemist
A father figure

Edward decided to work with these ideas as he put pen to paper. And here's what he came up with;

Dear Führer Roy Mustang

This is Edward Elric here, with some exciting news. Me and Winry are having a wedding, yea that's right the pip-squeak Alchemist is getting married. And due to this event I have a favor to ask of you.

Edward thought hard about his next words.

I want you to be my best man at the wedding. Although you have been a pain in my behind for quite some time now, you are a great man. And I truly consider you to be a father figure of sorts. Me and Alphonse owe you our lives and I can't think of a better way to express our gratitude.

I am aware of your duties and understand if you can not find the time, but come on, I'll slug you if you turn this down old man.

I have included yours and Hawkeyes invitation in this letter and hope to hear a response soon.

Best regards
Edward Elric.

Finally! The god damn letter was finished. Edward sighed heavily and turned to look at the clock, it read 6:50 am. Just enough time to get this posted before the post man makes his rounds.

Edward sat up from his desk, letter in hand and left the room. Descending down stairs he spots Alphonse on the couch, studying his Alkahestry. He looked up at Ed and smiled warmly.

"Morning Ed, did you finish your letter to Roy?" Alphonse asked.

"How did you know I was writing his letter?" Edward asked curiously.

Al shrugged. "I could hear your cursing so you were doing 1 of 2 things" Alphonse blushed. Edward glared at the younger brother. "Your a real pervert, you know that right?" Edward stated.

Alphonse just laughed nervously and followed Edward out the front door. They walked down the long dirt drive to the mail box and placed the envelope inside, pushing the little flag up so the mail man can collect his letter. The sun was starting to shine down bright on Ed's face, informing him of the beautiful weather.

"Granny said we have to go pick up our suits today" Alphonse stated.

Edward turned to look at Al, an unamused expression plastered on his face.

"Well Winry has a doctors appointment today so looks like where bringing Ethan with us."

The brothers cringed. It was no surprise that Ethan was a noisy traveler. This ought to be fun.

The brothers headed inside to prepare for the day.


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