You are loved little one

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The doctor examined Winry head to toe, checking her blood pressure, heart beat, temperature, breathing and eye sight. Winry sat still, trying to hide her nervousness of the situation.

Winry has been feeling weak and lethargic for the last 3 or so weeks and it was seriously bugging her. She over slept, over ate and was unusually moody as well. Pinako decided it was finally time to call in a doctor. The last thing they needed was a sick bride. But as the doctor pulled away his stethoscope and jotted down some notes in his pocket book, she became incredibly nervous.

"So what seems to be the problem doctor?" Granny Pinako asked, sensing Winrys discomfort.

The doctor pushed his glasses up his nose and cleared his throat. Well Winry it looks like your pregnant. Congratulations. The doctor exclaimed with a small smile.

Winry froze. Her breath hitched in her throat. The doctor continued to talk but Winrys shock drowned out all outside noise.

She really was pregnant.

With her second child.

Before her own wedding.

Oh shit.

"Winry dear are you listening to me?" Pinako lightly shook the blonde out of her daze. "Huh" she managed to breath. Pinako shook her head and smiled. "I can hear you two most nights ya know so don't be so surprised that this is the result" Granny chuckled, taking a drag of her pipe. Winrys face contorted in embarrassment.

"Gran don't say something so Embarrassing" Winry complained. A huge grin started to form its way onto her face as reality started to hit her. A second baby! Oh Edwards going to be thrilled! The young mechanic threw her arms around her Gran and cheered in delight. Winry was thrilled!

"I'm glad to see your happy about the news, but unfortunately your medical records show that you had some complications during your last pregnancy is that correct?" The doctor asked grimly.

Winters heart immediately sank. Her excitement had completely blinded her from the reality that pregnancy really harmed her last time. But Winry was determined not to let that happen a second time.

"Is there anything I can do this time to ensure the safety of me and my child?" Winry asked with a hopeful tone, looking deep into the doctors eyes to find any hint of lie in his answer.

He ran his fingers through his short dark hair and sighed. "Unfortunately there isn't much we can do besides move you into a hospital in central when your baby is due." The doctor said. "The fact that your already weakened and lethargic isn't a good sign." He continued.

Winrys face fell. Her excitement fizzled into fear. Her pregnancy with Ethan was a trauma she would rather forget. And if there was any chance; even small that her child could die, then Winry was going to take all the precautions necessary to prevent that.

"I'm going through with this pregnancy, I'll give birth in central if I must." Winry exclaimed confidently, her fists balled up on her lap with determination. "If I can do it once, I can do it again" she said with a smile. The doctor nodded his head with understanding and started to pack his gear up.

"I admire your bravery, but I hope you know this will not be an easy road" he informed Winry glumly. Winry simply nodded her head, still wearing a large smile to hide her fear.

Pinako showed the doctor to the door and thanked him for his time. And the house was soon silent. Waiting for the brothers to return from there outing. Pinako walked over to Winry and patted her on the shoulder. "Your a strong women Winry, don't let this beat you" she reassured the young blonde, taking a drag from her pipe. Winry smiles warmly and placed her hand on her grandmothers, silently thanking her for her kind words. The two parted ways as Pinako started to prepare dinner, and Winry exited the house. The sun was beginning it's decent down behind the hills and the crickets began there evening song. Winry looked out over the paddock and started walking towards the river. Her mind was full of worries and concerns that she simply couldn't deal with right now. She needed to clear her head and so she began her walk.

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