The train

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The train was a horrible, rusty thing. It jittered as it pulled into the station. The tributes were all given a room each. Nobody got any sleep that night, they were all too busy thinking about what lay ahead and what would happen to their families. And even if sleep did come, they'd be woken up again by terrible nightmares. The train driver was as miserable as them, knowing that we was taking them to their doom. The train rattled on and on into the night. They were still on there when morning came. Now was the time for breakfast. "Attention tributes" boomed a loud voice, a woman's voice. She spoke very poshly, the way a person from the capital would "Please report to the front of the train for breakfast and to be assigned a tutor". All of the tributes did as they were told and reported to the front of the train where they were greeted by the owner of the voice, an odd woman with pink hair that hung in tight ringlets around her head. She was wearing a bright orange top with a puffy skirt to match, tall orange heals and an orange pearl bracelet. She had a bright orange bow in her hair that stood out amongst her pink ringlets. Everything she was wearing was orange. She had bright pink eyeshadow on and red lipstick. She was obviously from the capital. "Good morning tributes" she said in her posh voice "My name is Elora, Elora trinket, and I shall be assigning your tutors to you". She made everyone stand in an orderly queue and wait to be assigned a tutor, each tribute filled with fear and anticipation. Suddenly, a man dressed in almost identical clothing to Elora, except that he had a bow tie and trousers instead of a bow and a skirt, swung open the door and jumped into the room. "Boo!" He shouted which made some of the tributes jump. "Freddie!" Shrieked Elora. "Behave! Have you taken your medication?"
"Nope!" Replied Freddie who seemed even more odd than Elora, if that was even possible, but. It as posh.
"Im so sorry everyone, this is my brother Freddie trinket who should not have made an appearance until later" she glared at him as she said this. "Sorry Elora" he smirked "I just wanted to say hello to all of the tributes and wish them luck"
"Well that's all very well Freddie but you weren't scheduled to meet them until two o'clock" she said, gesturing him towards the door. "Bye everyone!" He shouted as he was leaving. He acted as if he was five years old.
"Im so sorry about that everyone, he tends to do things that aren't on the schedule" she seemed really embarrassed And flustered, Freddie had obviously annoyed her and messed up her schedule. "Right, moving on to the tutors" she got out a notepad and pen. "If you could all stay in an orderly line and tell me your names and districts one by one then that would be splendid"...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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