Chapter 9

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Thanks for all the feedback on the last chapter! I appreciate every vote and comment and you all make me smile :) This is the first chapter WITHOUT Ruby, just harry and the boys.....NEXT chapter, I’ll do Ruby’s point of view :D

Love you all! Do you think we could get up to 35 votes on this story....?

Imogen xxxxxx

“Please fasten your seatbelts as we are now beginning our descent into Heathrow Airport.” Came the static voice of the pilot. I sighed and tightened the buckle glumly, nudging a sleeping Louis to do the same. “What? Izzie?” He slurred, rubbing his eyes and blinking. I laughed, “No Lou, Izzie’s back in Ireland, it’s me Harry.” I mutter.

“Oh! Hey curly.” He says with a grin, fastening his belt and ruffling his hair. “Hey .” I give him a weak smile. “Not in the mood to talk are you?” He asks his eyes pitiful. I shake my head and lean back against the pillow provided, looking out of the window at the clouds enveloping our plane, the familiar streets and parks and houses of London coming in to view. Normally, I’m psyched about coming home, seeing my family and friends again, but at the moment I wish I was back in that hotel room with Ruby.

The plane skids along the runway, the tyres grazing the track before hitting it with a bounce and slowing down, turning and then coming to a complete halt. “Ladies and gentleman we have landed in London Heathrow Airport. Please feel free to take your hand luggage and move about the plane. We hope you’ve enjoyed flying with British Airways and we hope to see you again soon.”

I sighed, standing up to help Louis who was trying to get our laptop bags down from the overhead storage. I pulled mine over my head and let it rest on my shoulder. Louis did the same and we walk back a row to see Liam, Niall and Zayn asleep, Liam with his head on Zayn’s shoulder, Zayn’s head on Niall’s, and Niall’s leaning against the window. I laughed quietly at them before walking toward them and leaning over, blowing in Liam’s ear, something he couldn't stand.

“Ugh!” He yelped, jerking awake and rubbing his ear frantically. His startled noise caused Niall and Zayn to wake up to. “Hello...” Niall yawned, rubbing his mouth before peering at the window. Niall had a habit of drooling while he slept.

“Come on lads, we’re in London.” Louis said, ruffling Liam’s already tousled hair and handing them their backpacks or laptop bags. We got in line to go outside, said goodbye and thank you to the cabin crew before ducking out into the weak English sunshine. The boys and I walked into the arrivals area, through the corridors and down several flights of stairs before arriving at baggage claim.

“All right boys?” Ian asked two trolleys at the ready to hold our stuff. I nodded, spotting my battered blue suitcase on the revolving platform. The rest of the boys grabbed there’s and left them with Ian who sped off to our awaiting car. “I should warn you,” He threw back over his shoulder. “You’ve got some fans out there...” He pointed towards the sliding doors separating us from the awaiting people.

“Do you mind Hazza?” Zayn asked. I shook my head, why couldn't I deal with leaving Ruby as well as Lou was dealing with leaving Izzie?! “I want to meet the fans, let’s go!” I say chirpily, putting on a smile before collaring Niall who was inspecting a vending machine and walking out of the doors.

Immediately I was assaulted by the screech of teenage girls. Short, tall, older or younger, they were all there, some waving banners, others clutching copies of out book, ‘Forever Young’. “Hi girls!” I said, winking before walking to them. Someone had put up metal guards that came up to about hip height, obviously so that we didn’t get mugged again. “Harry! Harry, I love you!” Girls were screaming at me, “Follow me on Twitter!” “Sign my hoodie?!”

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