Chapter 4: The World's End

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Facing the camera, the Prime Minister, James Burbank, loosened his tie - something which he never did previously while making an announcement - before running his hand back through his greying hair and starting; "I come to you today in failure, I come to you with a grave message and I come to you in hope. For decades now, your government has lied to you as many governments around the world have lied to their own people. We did this in order to preserve a semblance of normality, to prepare you for a truth both wondrous and terrifying, a truth which would see everything we know turned on its head.

"Now, we don't have long but, before we begin, you need to understand that we are not going to war with Russia, in fact despite everything we have led you to beleive, we are the firmest of allies with them and will continue to be so for many years to come. The previous years tensions have been a ruse concocted at the highest of levels in order to ensure that all of our resources and military personnel were where they needed to be should what some of us have feared, come to pass.

"Okay, the truth... On the 7th of June 1963, the former Soviet Union launched a top secret mission into Earth orbit. It took a day of adjustments before they managed to get onto the right orbital inclination in order to rendezvous with an object which had been designated Black Knight, an object more than 13,000 years old. This object it was discovered, was an extra-terrestrial artefact left to presumably monitor the development of life on Earth. Despite everything we have learnt about it and about numerous others, we still don't know what it was intended for. Through this satellite, Colonel Abramov – one of two former Soviet cosmonauts sent to investigate – was contacted by another species in possession of another satellite, a species which had been monitoring Earth from the late 19th century onwards. Further contact was made by this race through radio conversations aided by a faster than light communications array on board Black Knight, and then face to face contact was initiated between this species, the Soviets and the United States. This species proved to be friendly..."

In the background another voice announced "Sir, we don't have long."

Stammering a bit as he dealt with this information, the Prime Minister nodded before finding his next words, "Diplomatic relations were built between our two species and then, through them, further diplomacy was built with a small number of other races. They helped us to set up two off world colonies and they have helped to guide us technologically as well as scientifically while at the same time allowing us the freedom to find our own way. This of course needed funding, funding which came from a ruse; the Cold War.

"Over the years, as more and more countries were included, we have become valuable members in a community among the stars, despite being a young and passionate race. During this time we have been steadily preparing the rest of Earth for an integration into this interstellar community, with a plan for full disclosure within the next ten years when our peoples would be best prepared to deal with the culture shock. Unfortunately we have been forced to accelerate our plans..."

Again the voice in the background broke in, "They're through..."

Rushing even faster, the Prime Minister continued, "Two years ago, a small number of friendly colonies and planets started to go dark, with not a word heard from them. An investigation was sent, an investigation which came into contact with a previously unknown hostile race, a hostile race which opened fire on our allies ships. Despite repeated attempts at contact and diplomacy, this hostile race has continued to expand its territories and advance on more friendly planets. 4 months ago we managed to fight them to a standstill and open up negotiations. We thought we were making some headway and could come to some form of accord, but they were using that time to consolidate their forces. Knowing that a number of planets, including Earth were at risk, our Allies spent the time preparing their fleets in order to assist us or each other should it be required.

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