Chapter 33

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A/N: Her outfit for dinner is attached to this chapter (only the dinner not the party), just pretend she's not wearing the boots. In the book shes wearing black vans.


Bella's POV

I looked at myself once more in the mirror before answering the door. Luke was finally here for dinner. I had told my mom that after dinner, we would be going back to his house, because we needed a good excuse for the party.

"Okay, just please don't embarrass me in front of him, please!" I begged my parents. They both laughed.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, not wanting to keep him waiting outside forever.

"Hi Luke," I smiled, hugging him.

"Hey," he smiled back.

He walked in and greeted my parents, then we started making some small talk. Me and him sat in the living room while my mom finished setting the table.

"Why do you seem so nervous?" He asked me.

"I'm not," I scoffed, crossing my arms.

He rolled his eyes and let out a laugh.


"This is really good," he smiled, after finishing chewing another bite.

"Thank you Luke," my mother smiled.

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was going to be, until my dad opened his big mouth.

"So how long have you two been together?"

"Oh, were not-" He began

"He's not my boyfriend." I finished, giving a slight chuckle.

"My bad," my dad smiled.

Kill me now!

For the rest of the time we ate, we talked about school, and Luke shared some funny stories about when we hang out, like our apple fight at the apple farm. I knew my parents liked people who talked to them and weren't too shy, and Luke definitely wasn't shy.

Once everyone finished eating, I grabbed Luke's hand to drag him upstairs while my mom and dad cleaned up the table and the dishes.

"Do you need any help?" Luke asked my parents.

"No thank you, honey we're fine," my mom smiled.

I grabbed his hand again, and led him to my bedroom. This reminded me of the night Calum made me cry.

"Okay, Luke we need to talk," I said, shutting the door.

I sat down on my bed, and he sat next to me. I didn't look him in the eyes, and he tried to hold my hand. That's something I noticed he tries to do a lot. It's like his way to assure that I'm with him and we're okay.

"About what?" He asked, looking nervous.

"What are we? I mean we kissed twice and we're always holding hands, and we go out places," I asked, biting my lip

"Well I think we're really good friends right now who basically won't confess our love for each other," he replied grinning.

"So what are you saying we should do?"

"Bella, I love, you, like more than a friend, and I want you to be my girlfriend," he said,  "but you said it yourself at Dorney, you only want to be friends with me and you have absolutely no feelings towards me."

I knew what he was doing, I wasn't stupid. He was trying to make me feel bad and lie to myself and say no. I think I took him by surprise when I said, "And I take it all back. Luke Hemmings, I love you and I will be your girlfriend,"

He looked at me, and I looked at him. He leaned in real fast, and kissed me.

"Yay, our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend," he laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so," I chuckled.

This was weird to think about. I finally, after 17 years of living, have a boyfriend. I wish Ashton was here to give me the big speech about how he'll beat Luke up if he hurt, but sadly he wasn't.

"Okay, I should get ready for the party,' I said, walking over to my closet and pulling the dress I had bought Wednesday, out. I went into the bathroom, and put it on, and then some makeup. I wasn't a huge fan of makeup and I never wore it on a regular day basis. I mostly focused on eye makeup, and let me say, I did look very different.

I came back in my room to find Luke playing my guitar.

"I didn't know you played guitar," he said to me.

"Oh, I don't I just have it," I blushed.

He put it down next to him, then looked up at me. He eyed me up and down, then gave me a confused look.

"Are you wearing makeup?" He questioned.

"Uh, yeah," I answered, "do you like it?"

"Yeah, but it's not you, even I know that." He laughed.

I was offended at first, but shrugged it off. I went back over to my closet and took out a pair of heels, which still made me a lot shorter than Luke.

"Ready?" He asked, smirking.


With that, we walked out my front door. I yelled goodbye to my mom and dad, who were thankfully in the other room and couldn't see my face or how I was dressed. I took Luke's hand and led him outside.

We got into his car, and as he drove, his hand rested on my thigh.

"I hope you know I'm going to introduce you to everyone as my girlfriend, Bella," he said, raising a brow.

I just laughed.

"Also, you're not leaving me at this party, I can't afford to have you get lost and some random guy find you and try to-"

"Luke!" I exclaimed, "First of all I'm not five, so stop treating me like I am, and I'd never do that to you."

"I know, but sometimes, people get drunk and do stupid stuff that they wouldn't do it they weren't drunk," he told me.

"Are you saying that will happen to you? Because I've never had a drink in my life," I asked.


"Better not,"

A/N: I am so excited for the party chapter AHHHH!! AND THEY'RE DATING NOW HOW CUTEEEEEEE IM JEALOUS!!

xxx Brooklyn

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