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hangul (pronounced hanguel) is the Korean alphabet. Hangul letters are grouped into blocks of two to six letters. For example; du 두, which means two is composed of two letters: d ㄷ, and oo ㅜ. 두 (du) is pronounced as doo, but written as du.

Each block stands for a syllable, and each korean word consists on one or more syllables, meaning one or more blocks.

there are 14 consonants:
g: ㄱ
d: ㄷ
n: ㄴ
l/r: ㄹ
m: ㅁ
b: ㅂ
s: ㅅ
(silent) ng: ㅇ
j: ㅈ
ch: ㅊ
k: ㅋ
t: ㅌ
p: ㅍ
h: ㅎ

5 double consonants:
bb: ㅃ
dd: ㄸ
gg: ㄲ
ss: ㅆ
jj: ㅉ

11 vowels:
a: ㅏ
eo: ㅓ
o: ㅗ
u or oo: ㅜ
e: ㅔ
eu: ㅡ
i: ㅣ
ya: ㅑ
yeo: ㅕ
yo: ㅛ
yu: ㅠ

4 diphthongs (double vowels):
ae: ㅐ
yae: ㅒ
ye: ㅖ
ui: ㅢ

6 vowels/diphthongs with a w:
wa: ㅘ
wae: ㅙ
oe: ㅟ
wo: ㅝ
we: ㅞ
wi: ㅟ

Some of the letters in Hangul aren't pronounced the same way they are in english, but if you need extra help on pronouncing and learning them, I would recommend using Memrise, which is a free app that teaches you any language. They have a course on Hangul, which shows you all the letters that I've listed, and tells you how to pronounce them. But once you've gotten Hangul down, you're ready to move on to learning words, which I'll start in the next chapter!

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