Chapter Three

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Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel.


Though, the redheaded girl seemed very familiar to me. She had Nicole's eyes and the perfect dimples but something about her made me think that it wasn't really Nicole i used to know before she went away. My dad started having a conversation with an old man. He was asking about how it was like living in California. I decided that the converstaion was boring and i knew Matthew would rather die then wait another hour listening to an old man speaking in a Texas accent which i gurarntee that dad wouldn't understand ether.

The redheaded girl finally came out of the supermarket and coincidentally i was standing nearby. She had 2 bags of groceries and panicked as she looked around. She almost dropped a bag when i grabbed it instanly. What could a girl do with bags of groceries?

She gasped and then smiled when she was that the bad was okay. "Thank you," she said.

I nodded kindly, "You're welcome. Do you need any help carrting these?" She didn't look at me in the eye but she was respinding to a woman in a car which happened to be her mother. She carefully took the bag from me. "No thanks," she said, approaching to the car. "

My mother's here already." She slammed her door as teh car drove away, I waved to her even though she wasn't looking.


Dad stopped teh car in front of a pale cream bungalow. "Is this the place?" I asked, squinting to the door's number. 1614. Dad nodded, "Ian, Matthew, go inside and unpack. I need to think wheather i should cook dinner tonight or get takeaways."

I went inside and i walked into a room with a lovely view. "Hey!" Matthew complained. "This is mine! I found it first!"

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue at him. I wasn't in the mood for having a fight for a bedroom with the best view. I approached to the next room. It seemed smaller than the room before and the view... eh, not so much. I stared confusingly out the window. The only thing i could see were the trees and the Next-door's window.

Suddenly the lights in the room next door switched on and i dropped down with my back against the wall under my window. I took a peek at who it was and all i saw was a girl. I couldn't see clearly because of the white curtain she had. But what i was seeing was a perfect vision and once in a lifetime opportunity.

She stood right in front of the window with her back in front of me. She started pulling her white t-shirt up and i could trace her figure with my eyes. My heart raced as she slowly put on another shit. This was the room i wanted. It had the best view and the best part was that the girl next door was the redheaded girl.

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