Chapter 13 - Ditching Last Day

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Come on Dylan, You can do this. You only have to last a few more hours then you wont have to see this place for another 2 and a half months.

It was currently lunch and I was trying to persuade myself to not to leave school early. The Principal basically had the school on lockdown because people aways leave on the last day, its basically a tradition but he just wants to to ruin everything.

"Hey there" Dimitri sat down beside me after getting her lunch

"Mmhm" I murmured

"Whats up with you ?"

"I need to get out of the prison"

"Your over exaggerating, like you have been ever since the day started"

"But I'm serious this time"I say before drinking my juice

Just as Dimitri was about to say something I interrupted "Thats it, I'm leaving and your coming"

"I can't"

"Yes you can stop being a baby" I say getting her to stand up

"I'm serious my Mum would kill me, they want me to stay the full day this year" she said sitting back down

"Whats the point, you don't learn anything anyway"

"I don't know but I don't want to get in trouble"

"Fine but as soon as lunch finishes I'm leaving"

"Ok but be careful, the principle is everywhere" she says moving her hands around and making ghost sounds

I start laughing "Shut up" I say nudging her

Ty and Tony decided not to come in at all today which isn't really surprising since I haven't seen Ty since last week and Tony since he slept over at my house. I wonder where he is because his parents obviously kicked him out so maybe he is at an aunties house or something.

To no ones surprise Jordan wasn't in school today either but his brother, Alexander was for some reason.

The bell rang and I said bye to Dimitri and started to head to the back exit of the school. I was almost there when I heard footsteps walking around the corner and I quickly turned around and began walking the other way until I was pulled backwards and pushed into an empty classroom.

"What the h-" I was cut off by a hand slapping over my mouth

My eyes followed the arm to a face that I didn't want to see.

He held his finger up to his lips motioning for me to be quiet but his other hand never left my mouth like he didn't trust that I wasn't going to shout.

Finally when the teacher walked past the classroom door he let go and opened his mouth to say something but I decided to kick his shins before he could.

"Oow, what was that for" he said angrily

"Are you seriously asking me why I hit you ? I don't know maybe because you grabbed me and shoved into a classroom"

He got up slowly and stood a good few inches taller than me.

"I just saved you from spending the first hour of summer vacation in detention, so your welcome"

"1) I didn't ask for your help and 2) What are you even doing here in the first place, shouldn't you be in class"

"Shouldn't you ?" I just stared at him as he went on "Anyway trying to escape through the back exit is a rookie mistake"

"How would you know, you have only been at this school for like 3 weeks"

"Trust me, the principles going to be expecting pupils to get out through the back exit so thats why we should go through the front entrance because its so obvious no one will suspect it"

"Excuse me, when did this become we ?"

"The moment I saved you from that teacher now come on"

"No-" I started

"Look do you want to get out of this school or not ?"he said opening the door to check if anyone was there

I took a while in answering because I really needed to get out of this place because I cant handle detention or another class with Mrs McCormack.

"Fine, lets go"

After he checked if no one was there he grabbed my wrist and harshly pulled me out of the room.

"Oww" I whispered

He didn't turn around but I could tell he was smirking at my pain.

We had been wandering around the school, avoiding teachers and looking for the entrance for like 7 minutes and because I was bored of being dragged behind him by the wrist I decided to start humming the James Bond tune.

I was quickly pulled forward "What are you doing ?!"Alexander whisper/shouted

"Humming and why is this taking so long, if we had gone through the back exit I would've been home by now. I bet you don't even know where we are, how can you get lost in the school you go to everyday ?"

He didn't say anything but 5 seconds later he started running dragging me behind him. I heard people, most likely teachers, shouting behind us but obviously we didn't stop. Finally we were outside and running towards the parking. He was still holding onto my wrist when we stopped and what I'm guessing is his car.

"You like it ?" he asked noticing I was staring at the car

"Yeah. Its a Lexus, right?"

"Yup, CT200"

"Thought you would have had a muscle car like a Mustang or a Camero"

"Why? Because Jordan drives those cars ?"

"Well he is your brother"

He chuckled "Me and my brother are complete opposites"

"Yeah apart from you are both jerks" I muttered under my breath

"Well you got me there." I mentally face palmed because he heard me. "Can't really deny it but I'm better at it than him"

"How can you be a better jerk ?"

"I don't know, I just know I am"

I started walking away "Alright then, I believe you"

"So I guess I'll see you at the semi-finals in a few weeks"

I turned around in shock "You are in the RedStone Rally !?"

"Oh please, I'm leading it. See you there Wolf" he shot me a smirk and a wink before he got in his car.

I jumped into my car and began speeding home. I was furious. If he thinks he is leading that race, he has another thing coming.


Thanks for reading

The date of the Masquerade Ball has been moved until after summer vacation (obviously) but for all of you who didn't guess, Sabrina was pretty excited about it so she gave everyone a reminder of it.

Also I'm wanting to change some of my cast members but ever since wattpad has been changed on computer I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help ?

Totally exaggerating them getting out of the school but who cares

Hope you enjoyed

Chloe Xx

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