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When my sister was born, I was two. Then, another sister when I was four. And another when I was seven and a half. Now I turned twelve sixteen days ago and my mom says she is adopting a girl. I mean, seriously! And she meant that she had been hiding it since I was eleven, and we are picking her up tomorrow. So when my 3 best friends tell me at school that my house is too chaotic to hang at, I believe them. There is a new kid at school. Well, kind of. It's only the first week, so he's not the only new one. But he's super cute. " hey! Terrine! What do you think of the new kid? " I ask her. " well, he's kinda cute, but I think I know him from somewhere. " she says. Then, Mia and Sydney walk up. " check out the new kid!" Terrine exclaimed. " wow!" Sydney exclaimed. And actually, he walked up to us. "Hey! I'm Haden! And if I'm not mistaken, you must be Terrine, Raelynn, Mia, and ooooh, Sydney!!!!" " how did you know our names?" Sydney asked. " Mr. Letter told me." That makes sense. Mr. Letter was the assistant principle at our school. " so I'll see you on the field trip." He said as he walked away. Wow. " wow" esclames Mia. " Well, we better be getting on the bus or were going to get into trouble." I say. " good idea. Says terrine.

At the feild trip, I'm a nervous reck. Every other feild trip I go on, I get in a big accident. The science museum and the musical stairs😢. I still have the bruise on my thigh from falling down the scale. And the bowling I got my hand stuck in the ball return and broke 3 fingers. Today I'm so scared because if I bump something, thousands upon thousands of people can die. We are Turing the nuclear power plant where they make bombs. First, why would you ever bring kids to a bomb building place in the first place!!!!👿 and second, I don't want to be the reason that there bombs are being tested! Because quite frankly, I don't want that on my record. So once we pass the bomb section, I relax a little. Then, on the over Looking bridge, Haden walked up to us again. " girls, my name is Shadow. I would like to take you to my house to meet my mom. She would be very happy to meet you."  We all look at him weird, and say, "Yeah, No thanks. And, wasn't your name Haden? "we all say at the same time. And then, he says, " well, moving on, " " well, what are we going to do there? " I ask.  "My mom made cookies! " then I'm in!! " said Sydney. " well we aren't." Said Mia. "then I see that we have a problem." And he activates what looked like a portal. And says " ladies first. I must insist. " and then, two monsters come up to us with big spears, and we all climb in the portal.

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