Chapter 4: Food and...Werewolves?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, guys! First of all, I couldn't think about a title that fits this chapter so I just went with this. xD Thanks so much for the reads and positive comments you gave about my previous chapters! :D So here's Chapter 4 of my NaLu story, Realization! =) So far I've achieved my goal of writing at least two pages per chapter! I dedicate this chapter to fangirl1841, by the way. Please read and review, minna-san! ^_^



The next day, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I groaned and moved a bit, only to be pricked by a sharp branch on my arm. "Ow!" I heard Natsu wake up. It was only at that moment that I realized we had slept together in a cramped shelter.

He said groggily, "Mm...Luce...? What's wrong?"

I held my bleeding wound. "Uh...I-I...I just got pricked by a branch..."

Natsu abruptly sat up, hitting his head on a nearby root as he did so. "Gah!"

I chuckled. "You know what. let's get out of here first..."

"Yeah, pretty good idea..." We both slowly and carefully left the shelter.

Natsu caught sight of my wound and lightly touched it. "Luce! You didn't tell me it was bleeding!"

"..I-It's nothing, Natsu..."

"Do you have a hand towel or a cloth or something?"

"Uh...Y-Yeah." I pulled out a small white towel and gave it to Natsu.

He started wrapping the cloth around my hand, like some sort of bandage. "Just to...stop the bleeding..."

"But don't we have to clean it first?"

"Well, unless you have cotton and alcohol in there..."

He continued wrapping it around, and tied it once he was done.

He tied it a little tighter than I had expected, and I flinched at the slight pain. "Sorry...Did I hurt you?"

I looked at him tenderly, and a small smile curled on his lips. "It's nothing...Thanks, Natsu."

"Don't mention it, Luce..."

"How's your head?"

"Oh, that was nothing." Natsu looked up at the sky and observed the position of the sun. "If I'm right it's about 11AM."

"What?! That late already?! Ohmymavis, we slept in!"

"We should keep moving. Tomorrow at midnight, the villagers and Skyreed will..."

"...Y-Yeah...Let's go." With that, we both walked towards the temples, neither one saying a word. After about six (YES, SIX!)  hours, I started to get tired again. I paused to catch my breath.

Natsu smirked. "Need me to carry you again, Miss Heartfilia?"

"N-No! I...I can do this...! I've already survived four more hours than I did yesterday!"

"You sure you're okay, Luce? You look like you're about to faint."

"I-I..." Suddenly my stomach grumbled, and Natsu tried to stifle his laugh. I looked away, a faint splash of pink on my face. "M-Maybe I just need some..."

This time, Natsu's stomach grumbled as well. He clutched it. "...Food?"

"Yeah. Food!" Once again, Natsu looked up at the slowly darkening sky. "Hey, it's almost dark. Maybe we should find a werewolf and fry it!"

Realization: A NaLu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now