Battle #6: Torey Krug vs Ryan Kesler

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"I'll just have to stop you then!"

Ryan Kesler knew it was the wrong thing to say even as the words left Torey Krug's mouth. His hands closed around empty air as Torey ducked around him to stand on the other side, with his weather hammer at ready.

Torey was wearing a black armored outfit with a gold cape, black boots, black pants and fingerless gloves. Kesler, on the other hand, was wearing a black and gold jumpsuit with padded faux armor, detachable black cape and intricately detailed gold armored arm gloves and boots. In his hands he had his staff, which resembled that of the villain Loki from Thor and the Avengers.

"No. Torey! Torey--!" Kesler called as the man punched the weapon up into the air, whipping up a storm over Madison Street in Chicago. "What are you doing?"

Torey grinned back at Kesler, eyes bright with the possibility of adventure. "I don't have to answer you! Why would I? Now hold still, this'll only hurt...a lot!" he yelled back over the howling wind.

"Guess you're right!" Kesler spun his staff in his hand. He could see it, no thought now, only action. Kesler found himself lunging forward, grabbing Torey by the wrist. But he was too late, too light, too weak. Catching each other as they fell, Torey hit the ground below them with a glancing blow, driving the breath from him.

Tumbling, Kesler smacked into one of the trees to the side of the road, pain exploding from his skull, and then they were airborne again, flung apart from each other. Torey had his hammer out at ready and Kesler made sure his staff was up.

They landed hard on street again and rolled, finally coming to rest some distance from one another. Stunned, Kesler stared up at the sky, breath wheezing and head pounding. He groaned and pushed himself up to see where the hero was.

Torey hit the ground and instantly moaned in agony. Even though he was part god and like Thor, he still didn't have the ability to be impenetrable...or to escape a peril unscathed. He was still somewhat human. But...he had a mission. Kesler...where was-? He rolled over, lifting himself on his hands and looking around groggily.

At first he only noticed that his hands were warm in a distant, unimportant way. "Kesler," he croaked. Closed his eyes to squeeze out the tears and breathed deep. "Kesler!" he tried again. Maybe now the villain would give in and go home. Warmth was radiating from his hands, up his arms and shoulders.

Rain pelted him, soaking him to the bone and dripping down his face, into his eyes, but he blinked it away. He squinted through the rain again and spotted the villain. Kesler had his staff glowing and the light glowed brighter as he swung it at the hero, who blocked the blow with his hammer.

They locked their weapons together and paused, unable to do anything to knock the other opponent away. They were almost stuck. Kesler gripped Torey's arm, while Torey held tight to the staff.

"Kesler, is doesn't have to be like this!" Torey hissed.

"Shut up!"

"Fine, suit yourself...but you are making a huge mistake."

"Really? Prove it!" Kesler snapped, as they finally unhooked from one another and stepped back, staring at each other.

Torey's heart beat rapidly in his chest. He might or might not die...but, as he realized this, alarm burning through him, he'd rather go down fighting for good than not. And Kesler was his villain match, he'd give him everything he had and then some, and if he didn't least he tried his best. His stomach tightened into knots.

Red eyes. That was never a good thing. Then again, when was Kesler ever a good thing?

The villain seemed focused on him. Torey made the first move, throwing himself onto Kesler. Letting go, Torey dropped down, scrambling out of the way of a screaming, descending maw. Kesler laughed as he swung around and knocked Torey off of him.

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