Chapter 6

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Enjoy! Bessy above!

8 Months Later

"Hi, my name is Taylor and I'll be your waitress for today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

It's been 8 months since the incident happened at the cookout. The next day Taylor had came to realization that she didn't have a job anymore and she cried her eyes out. She didn't know what she was going to do. She didn't know how she was going to pay for her apartment. She didn't know how she was going to pay for her doctor's appointments. She didn't know what she was going to do when the baby came.

In the bank she had about $600 left, but with her rent being $500 she only had enough to pay for one more month. During the little time she had, she searched high and low for a job. Her grades began to drop from stress, so they cancelled her scholarship since she couldn't keep her grades. Which resulted in her dropping out of college. It was so hard for her to find a job that didn't require a college degree.

After her month was over she was evicted and had to live on the streets for awhile. She continued to look for a job that paid well everyday. It got to the point where she desperately needed a job so she started to apply for every little job there was which included, walking dogs, babysitting, janitor, and house sitting. One day she came across this diner that she never knew about. It was on the richer side of town. The side of town where there was nothing but CEO's, basketball and football players, famous actors and singers that lived on this side of the city.

It wasn't a fancy diner, just a simple one that served breakfast all day long, and burgers and fries with a side of eggs and pancakes. It was very nice on the inside with red hard wood floor and white walls with pictures of the city before The Industrial Revolution. The place had red and white booths and black tables. "Betty's Good 'Ol" Was the name, and it was always packed because people love good homemade food, to Taylor it was the most expensive diner she's ever seen. $16 for an extra side of pancakes, but people would order it like it was free water.

Taylor had been working there for the longest. Her little baby bump grew very fast. She couldn't wait until she had the baby. It could be any day now.

"Yes, I'll have a large orange juice," The middle aged lady with bright green eyes said. The lady pointed at her daughter, "And she'll have a small chocolate milk."

Taylor gave them a smile. "Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks." Taylor glanced them over admiring their expensive clothing.

Taylor walked to the kitchen and began making their drinks.

"Gah damn women. You is getting big! When ya do?"

Taylor looked at the short chubby black old lady, Bessy. Bessy was a sweetheart. She loved any and everyone. Bessy grew up in Jamaica, but moved to America when she was 13. While over here, she didn't bother going to school since she was technically illegal. Once she turned 23 she moved away from her parents and lived by herself. She got herself a loving boyfriend, who she still is with today, and has been working at this diner ever since. Bessy said it wasn't this expensive and crowded back when she was 23, but now at the age 78 the place was booming and popular.

Bessy was here the first day Taylor started working here. She taught her how to make the drinks and showed her that a little kindness will increase the tips people would give. Taylor soon began to see Bessy as a mother figure in her life which she gladly accepted.

"Bessy, I'm 9 months. My water could break right now. But I'm wishing that I'll go into labor maybe this weekend." Taylor sat the finish drinks on a larger plate.

"Child, why so early?"

"Because I'm ready to meet my Prince." Taylor said with a smile.

"It a boy? Damn, I could of sworn you was having a girl."

"Yes, my baby boy. And don't call him an it." Taylor said with a playful frown. "I went to the doctors office yesterday and found out I was having a boy."

"I thought you said you could not afford an appointment." Bessy said while pointing at Taylor.

"Who said I paid for it?" Taylor laughed along with Bessy as she walked back to her table.

"Alright, we have a large orange juice and a small chocolate milk." Taylor said with a smile. "Are y'all ready to order?"

"Yes, I'll have the Bacon & Sausage Omelet with extra cheese and tomatoes. While she'll be having the mini pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs. And let me get two extra sides of pancakes."

Taylor quickly wrote down their order and nodding while walking back to the kitchen to put their food in.

*I know it's short. I'm sorry! :( But I've been really busy lately with school about to begin and my job. I usually update between 2 PM and 3 PM, but I couldn't today. I don't work tomorrow, so all tonight I'm going to be typing for you guys! Cuz you guys make me happy! Even though most of you are not gonna read this. You're just gonna skip it like I'd do. Lol Hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow!*

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