Chapter 15

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Enjoy! Chase above!

Taylor huffed and walked back over to the bus stop to grab Chase's car seat.

"Asshole." She mumbled, following Jeremy to his car.

"What was that?" Jeremy asked with a smirk.


"Yeah, that's what I thought." He said looking over his shoulder.

Taylor yawned. "How far is your car?"

"It's on the other side of the parking lot?"

"Why would you park all the way over there?" Taylor whined.

"Because it was on the side of the store I was going to. Besides, I didn't expect you to be here." Jeremy said slowing his pace to walk beside Taylor.

"Why are you here on this side of town anyway?"

"Why are you here so late?" Jeremy asked, patting Chase's back.

"I was getting more formula for Chase. Now answer my question."

"Why don't you just breast feed? Its free!" Jeremy said, trying to avoid the question.

"Stop trying to change the subject!"

"Okay, okay. The divorce office is over here. I was in a mee-"

"Are you a lawyer?" Taylor said interrupting him.

"No, Taylor. Now do you want to know why I was over here or not?" Jeremy said pulling his keys out his pocket.

"Oh sorry. Go ahead."

"Like I was saying, I was in a meeting with the lawyer and it just so happen on my way home I saw a Walmart and decided I needed some more eggs and milk. I was debating whether or not I should go this late, but I'm glad I did or I wouldn't have saw you." Jeremy said smiling at Taylor.

After talking for little bit longer, they finally made it to Jeremy's car.

"A Range Rover? I thought you had a Porsche." Taylor asked placing Chase's car seat in the back sat.

"I do have a Porsche." Jeremy said, while putting Chase in his car seat.

"How many cars do you have?" Taylor said sitting in the front seat.

"Too many to count." Jeremy laughed, but Taylor didn't. She felt as if he was bragging.

Jeremy started the car up. "So where do you live?"

"Uh. 8790 North Maple Rd." Taylor said nervous about him seeing her living in a motel.

Jeremy keyed her address into his GPS and listened to the lady tell him where to go. It was an awkward silence since the both of them didn't know what to say. Jeremy being fed up with the silence, decided to speak.

"Why didn't you call me when you were in labor?" He was still hurt at the fact he didn't get to see the birth of first child.

"I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't think about it. I'm sorry, Jeremy."

"That was suppose to be one of my most never forgettable memories. I was really hurt when i saw you didn't have a baby bump anymore."

"I'm so sorry, Jeremy. I'm sorry you couldn't see the birth of your first child." Taylor said getting upset.

"It's okay don't take it out on yourself. I'm just happy I get to see him." Jeremy smiling at a sleeping Chase through the rear view mirror.

Taylor turned around and smiled at Chase.

"Me too!"

"Why did you run from me?" Jeremy asked.

Taylor signed. "Because. There's reasons behind it, but I don't want to tell you."

"What? Tell me."

"No. I don't want to give you any ideas."

Jeremy huffed. "Why would you say that you're not gonna tell me? That just makes me want to know what you're not telling me!"

"Huh?" Taylor didn't understand a word he said.

"Never mind, but you will tell me one day."

"Tell you what?" Taylor playfully said.

"Nothing! Just forget it!"

Taylor laughed. They sat in comfortable silence until they reached Taylor's motel.

"This is where you live?"

*Chad Jr. Plays Chase! Yes! I love GabeBabeTv and that's their baby boy. He is mixed. I know the pic is a little older than 2 weeks, but it was the youngest pic I could find of him. Sorry!*


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