Chapter 28

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"Damnit." Taylor whispered to herself. She walked out the closet and turned to Jeremy who was putting clothes on Chase. "I need clothes, Jeremy."

Jeremy looked behind himself at Taylor. He slipped Chase's little legs into the new jeans he bought him and picked him up, holding him to his chest. "Just wear something of mine."

"None of your stuff fits me!" Taylor whinned.

"Taylor, it's fine if it doesn't fit. I'm just taking you back to your motel."

"Okay," Taylor said walking deeper into the closet looking to find anything that could fit her. She knew that would be impossible since Jeremy was like ten times her size. Eventually she spotted something she liked. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a white collar shirt then walked out towards Jeremy.

"I'm wearing this." Taylor said, slipping on the sweatpants over her boxers then putting on the shirt. Jeremy's clothes were way to big on her that the sweatpants fell completely off of her when she took a step.

"You look cute." Jeremy laughed at her face expression and opened the bedroom door. "I want you to eat breakfast before we go."

"No I don't want to. I just want to go back to my motel." Taylor said, following behind Jeremy.

"It wasn't a question." Jeremy descended down the stairs towards the kitchen, knowing Taylor was following.

Taylor's eyes widened when she saw all the food on the table. "I can't eat all of this."

"I didn't know what you'd like, so I made everything. It's okay if you don't eat it all."

"Wait, you made all of this?" Taylor said point at the food.

"Yes, now eat up."

"I didn't know you could cook." Taylor said smiling at him while taking a seat. She didn't know what to start with. There was everything: eggs, bacon, grits, sausage, toast, pancakes, omelets, fruit, waffles, oatmeal, and cereal.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."


"What type of music do you listen to?" Jeremy asked. They were driving to Taylor's motel and he didn't like the uncomfortable silence.

"Rap, hip-hop, and R&B."

"Favorite artist?"

"Nicki Minaj, Drake, Bryson Tiller."

"I've never heard of any of them."

Taylor laughed. "Really? None of them?"

Jeremy shook his head.

"Not even Nicki Minaj? C'mon everyone knows her."

"I've heard the name, but I've never listened to any of her music."

"Let me show yo- what the fuck?" All of Taylor's attention went towards the building that they just pulled up to. There was clothes and suit cases in big trash cans, beds, sofas, tubs, and toilets where in the big trash cans also. It looked as if they were clearing out every room in the building.

As soon as the car stopped, Taylor jumped out of the car completely forgetting about Jeremy. She tried to run to her room but was stopped by a contractor.

"What the hell are you doing?" Taylor snapped at the man. Taylor quickly glanced around see some of her neighbors looking just as upset.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to leave. This is a construction site."

"Where's my stuff? What's going on?"

"Lady, I'm going to need you to leave. I don't know where your stuff is, but all I know is that this building is being torn down."

Taylor felt water in her eyes. This was her only home. "Who would do this? Don't you know people were living here?"

"I don't know. All I know was that thus land was bought and now it's being turned into a shopping center."

Taylor was in full blown tears now. Her home was gone.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to leave, I'm sorry." With that he turned around and started shouting orders.

Taylor still couldn't believe it. She felt someone touch her shoulder. Looking up, she couldn't help but fall into his open arms and cry.

"I'm so sorry, Taylor. It's gonna be okay."

"That was my home and now it's gone. All the memories are gone. Everything is gone."

Jeremy walked her to the car and buckled her in. He walked around the car and got in his seat. The drive back to his house was long and quiet. He would glance at to see her staring out the window with a blank stare.

"Taylor, I know this might not be what you wanted, but you can always live with me."

"I guess I have no choice now."

Its shoooort. Sorry.

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