/twenty nine/

362 12 2

/all in/


I heard a tap on the door, "Come in dad!" I called.

"It's me." Mom says from the cracked door.

"Oh. Heh. Sorry. I'm um, almost ready." I say, trying to rush my mascara process.

I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be ready for dinner five minutes ago now.

Mom came up from behind me and started to stroke my hair. I braced myself for the inevitable comment about how dry it might be at the ends. Hopefully the stupid headband covered in pearls I'm wearing will distract her.

"I um. Talked to Fran." She said and I try not to immediately admit my guilt by trying to disguise my shocked facial expression.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking at her from her reflection in the mirror.


"What about?" I chirp.



"Amara." She sighs, and I realize I'm already caught and she's not going to interrogate me.

I finish with the mascara wand and toss the tube back into my makeup drawer.

"She told me you had...Company." She says.

"Yeah Jesse and Maddie were here after the party. You knew that." I frown, avoiding her eyes.



"She told me he was here." My mom says in a low voice, still playing with my hair.

I gulp, weary of how calm she is.

She sighs when I don't respond with words.

"You can explain yourself you know? I'm not mad. Daddy's not mad."

"She told dad too?" I scoff, looking over my shoulder.

"Traitor." I say even though I never explicitly asked her not to say anything.

I sort of assumed she just wouldn't mention it since I had friends over anyway.

"Uh yeah she works for us. Not you." Mom says and lets me know with a smile that it's okay to laugh.

"Maddie surprised me with them. I didn't know they were coming." I admit.

I guess I don't have to worry about how I'm gonna tell her me and Luke are back together. She knows.

"Why'd Maddie do that?"

"I actually don't know why Maddie does anything." I chuckle.

"And what about him? Did he have anything to say for himself?"

"He apologized mom. And I acted shitty too. So I apologized back." I say, getting up from my chair so I could pack my purse for dinner.

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