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The halls were lined with mirrors, the bright lights shining from the ceiling illuminating them almost blindingly. My footsteps tapped on the white linoleum floor, echoing off the flat walls. The hallway stretched out in front of me for what seemed like forever, disappearing into the distance when the small cracks between the separate mirrors became too small to make out.

I took a deep breath and turned my head, the mirror showing my many reflections from the multiple mirrors.  I moved my arm over my head, watching as the array of infinite arms moved in sync with my own.

My jeans were covered in splashes of mud, sticking to my legs where they were wet. So were my sneakers. I tried brushing it off with my hands, but instead the flecks of dirt splattered onto the floor. As I watched, the little droplets of mud dissipated into the ground, almost seeming to be absorbed by the floor.

I began to continue along the hallway. Falling into a calm and relaxing rhythm, I slowly made my way closer and closer to the end of it. I couldn't see the end, but I knew I must have been making progress. Eventually, I would get there. I knew I would.

After a few minutes of walking, I started to notice something off in the distance. It wasn't the end, but something broke up the pristine organization and prefect alignment of the mirrors and linoleum tiles. As I walked closer, I realized it was a dark red line which stretched across the hallway, dividing it into two parts.

I looked back at the hallway, not being able to see the beginning anymore, and I looked forward, not being able to see the end. This was the only way I was going to be able to finish - cross this line. Maybe it was a halfway mark. Maybe it was just random. Whatever it was, to get to the end of the tunnel, I would have to cross it.

I took a step towards it cautiously. It was the only thing that broke up the regularity of the hallway. Anyways, it couldn't be dangerous, could it? It was only a red line.

I took a few final steps towards the line. I picked up my foot and slowly brought it over, landing softly on the other side.

The lights flickered and I jumped back, terrified. I knew I had to keep going, but something about the flickering lights made me uneasy. Taking I deep breath, I put both feet on the opposite side.

The lights sputtered and then put themselves out. I was left in total darkness, with no idea of where I was going except forward - or wherever I thought was forward. Placing my hand against the wall to guide myself, I slowly continued down the hallway, inching towards what I hoped would soon be the end.

At first it had been a sharp darkness - where you're alert and are taking in every single absence of detail that's possible, ready for whatever danger comes your way. But after a while that feeling of sharpness and alertness had faded into a soft, velvety feeling.

That's when I saw the light - the faint outline of a door in complete darkness. I started to sprint towards it, again my legs failing, but I didn't care. I grabbed the handle and flung it open, excited to discover what was hidden behind it.

He was standing there, and the world jolted around me.

The Recurring BoyWhere stories live. Discover now