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Lia's POV

"Are you sure you can't get out of it?" I asked feeling disappointed.

I was on the phone with Henry. He said he he couldn't make it to the dance next weekend. He has this really important family reunion on that day and he can't miss it.

"Can't you just try? Okay. Yeah, yeah I get it. No I'm fine okay bye," I said before hanging up the phone then turned to Ashley, who was sitting on my bed.

"Henry's a real jerk, huh?" she asked while eating her jar of pickles.

I chuckled alittle. "Family reunion next week. He can't miss it. His loss. He won't see my curvy body in my dress. I'm still alittle upset though."

"Hey. You're okay as long as your bestie, aka moi, will be there with you," Ashley reassured me.

Ashley's POV

Lia and I talk in her bedroom for about two hours. We talked about everything, boys, boy bands, the dance, our dates. We could just sit their and talk forever.


"Oh crap! I gotta go," I exclaimed after seeing the text message on my phone.

"What?! What's up?" Lia got up off the bed looking at me, confused.

"It's fine. I just promised Amilee that I'd meet her at the mall twenty minutes ago to get her dress so, text you later. I'm sorry I have to go like this."

"No it's fine," she said with a smile. "I have some stuff I have to do anyway."

"OMG I love you, Lia. I'm gonna make it up to you,okay bye," I said before leaving.

Thanks for reading. Loves.

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