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It started when I was young. The anger, the rage, it controlled me. When I was three, I bit the hand if my caregiver. That's right, bit. That was when they started to watch me. I watched right back. Always observing. Always learning.

That's what life is for me. The first time I exploded, I was five and my mother's maid told me I couldn't have a cookie.

I don't mean I threw a tantrum, I mean I exploded. That's why they call me Atomic. When I get mad, I explode. Literally.

The entire staff was wiped out along with the summer house and all of the surrounding land. All that survived was me.
It didn't take a scientist to figure out what happened. I blew up. I was a walking time bomb waiting to blow.

That's why the government to me. They labeled me a threat, and locked me in a bunker until a proper cell could be built. It took a few months, but it was eventually done. I haven't been allowed out since. I haven't seen my parents or any of my family since my fifth birthday.

Don't get me wrong, they know where I am, they just don't want to see me.

That's fine by me. I will escape, and when I do, they'll pay.

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