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Princess Adrianna Park(Pink hair girl in the cover) is Park Hyo Jin

Prince Adriean Jun(Blue hair with messy hair[like hiro hamada in big hero six]) is Park Tae Jun

Princess Alexandra Shin(the purple hair in the cover) is Park Shin Hye

Prince Alexander Hyuk(Blonde Hair with a hat) is Park Hyung Seok

Princess Allison Do(Dark Purple hair[Hair is like Alexandra but dark] is Do Hwe Ji

Prince Aldrin Lee (Orange hair)
Is Lee Chi Hoon

Princess Arlin Baek(Green hair with a hat) is Suzy Baek

Prince Aide Wu (Blonde hair) is Chris wu

Princess Anna Kim (Red hair tie in a one bun) is Taeyeon Kim

Prince Albert Ho(White hair) is Park Ji Ho

Princess Arielle Ju( Dark Red hair[Hair is like Anna but darker]) is Ryu Hye Ju

Prince Almen Jeon (White hair with a hat) is Jeon Jungkook

Princess Adrianna is the most royal princess.

Susunod Prologue

I'm out~~~~~~~~~~~

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