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"Let's welcome the royal Princessses"

Hello I am Princess Adrianna Park Everybody don't know me as a good princess but everyone knows as a great princess at everything.

Hi My name is Alexandra Shin I'm not really Arte. Deh joke lang I am known as the Paarte Princess.

I am Princess Allison Do. OMG 2 seconds post. Party at Dominos. I was known as Chika princess.

Princess Arlin Baek is my name. Known as the Weird Princess. Look a bubblegum.

Princess Anna Kim here. I was known as the Sweet Princess.

Princess Arielle yeah that's me. So party party. I am known as the go lucky princess. Party!!!! Who wants Some fun????

"Lets meet the royal princes"

Hello I am Prince Adriean Jun. I was known as the Play boy prince a great one too.

Hi My name is Prince Alexander Hyuk I'm known as the noisy prince.YAAAAAA!!!! IM HOME!!!! See.

I am Prince Aldrin Do. Pabatabata lang isip ko inshort I'm a childish Prince.

Prince Aide Wu is my name. I was known as the Cool Prince.

Prince Albert Ho here. No body knows me as Philosophy Prince just kidding everybody knows it Limp brain.

Prince Almen Jeon Ju that's me. Yoooo Everyone knows me as the Smart Prince. I can help you with your assignment.

Hear that o great Prince almen can help us sa assignment. Natin

Guys next is Chapter 1----


So don't forget guys ah Vote share this story and comment.

PAlmen: I can also help you to do your assignment just comment down.

You herd him guys comment down.

Thank you!!!!!!!

RoyaltiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon