Winning Brings Jealousy

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SJH Pov *week later*
"And Song Ji Hyo takes the gold home again!" The "Nations MC" says as gold bars are presented to me. The members congratulate me at the decently fair fight, and the cameras stop rolling. We were supposed to meet with our managers, but mine was nowhere in sight... I get a text message from my manager saying he wouldn't be able to make it... Aish.. The oppas probably all still with their managers somewhere.. I don't need to bother them... I begin walking down the sidewalk toward a bus stop when I realize a white van following me. I take off running to a deserted alleyway, calling my husband to pick me up, but there was no signal. I try escaping to a place I can hide, when I feel myself being lifted, and my feet can't carry me anymore. I'm thrown into the van, bruising my right hip.
The van comes to a sudden stop in front of an abandoned warehouse. A piece of duct tape is pasted to my mouth and hands.. Before I knew it I was thrown into a room with two other women... A man dressed in complete black, his face covered only revealing his dark eyes, came to serve us moldy slices of bread and veggies.
"They must only want something from us since they're providing all our necessities." Says the first girl

Smart girl too...The figure then makes its way toward us again.
"Min Soo? Ch-Choi M-Min Soo?" The second girl stutters.
"Ohh-- Look here... Song Ji Hyo... You win to much.. Don't cha think?" Min Soo says. "Don't you think I deserve some prize winnings??"

My jaw is stuck completely because of shock and I can't answer. One of the girls takes off the duct tape on my mouth patting me on the back expecting me to speak. But no words could escape.

Where's Song Ji Hyo?? I haven't heard from her since filming. I make my way to our house, to see if she was okay..
"Ji Hyo... Ji Hyoooo???" I question unlocking the door. No answer? She's not home at this hour?? I bolt back to the car racing to the police station. I explain that Ji Hyo was missing every word having to pause to catch my breath. We just fixed this problem we had, and I had to see her again.

The police get on a search.. A street cam proves she was pulled into a white van... She's kidnapped?!?!? What? Please Ji Hyo, just hold on... I get a glimpse of the license plate, guiding me to an abandoned warehouse, with the police behind.
"Ji Hyo?!?!?!" I ask worried.
"Here!!" Her voice screams from inside. She sat in a room with two girls tied with duct tape around her hands, yet red around her mouth. She had managed to get off that piece. The police grab Min Soo putting him into the police car... I've seen that scene to many times.
"How could you Ji Hyo!! You could have been killed!!" I exclaim piling into the car to get home.
"Aish... Oppa.. Don't exaggerate... I just didn't want to bother anyone." She explains...
"Well next time bother me okay??" I say. She giggles but it's cut off by a scream. Min Soo had escaped the police car running toward our car. Before I can even react he was at the car window. He knocks on it loudly leaving me freaked out.
"Drive!!" Ji Hyo shouts. I step on the gas seeing Min Soo pull out a gun toward the police in my back view mirror. He shouts something at them piling into the car and they begin following us... Wow. Trustworthy police men we got here.
I take a sharp turn in attempt to lose them but they keep following along. After several turns, I end up going down a dead end, and all the police cars surround me, with brilliant flashes of blue and red. I get out of the car running down between buildings, pulling Ji Hyo along. There's loud thumps of footsteps following behind us, and I pull her her against me to hide against the wall. I see a police station up ahead and a plan clicks.
"Ji Hyo.. see that building over there?" I say pointing at the station. She nods. "Go running there, and alert someone with what's going on.. I'll distract them."

She does as I say running toward the building. When she's no longer in clear vision I come out from hiding, and I am spotted. I take off running as fast as my legs could carry me, all the way to where Ji Hyo is. Min Soo follows right after me right into the building. He's handcuffed and taken care of by the police.
"I'll get you next time..." He says. "This is not over!!"

But we were pretty sure it was.

A/N~ Aish... This is probably a common story in fan fiction.. I'm not doing good at writing these.. Oops. Well thanks for reading anyway!! BTW Ji Hyo got her cast off some day before this... I'm leaving out details.... Sorry.

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