Getting set for the last battle and the battle begins

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Again the next night Harry was sitting with Neville in front of the massive iron gates of Hogwarts. Both were having tea served by Dobby as well as scones while inside the castle there was a flurry of activity.

Andrea Von Hess along with Moody and the rest were throwing up wards to prevent Voldemort from going anywhere inside the castle but the route laid out for him. Hess took to teasing Moody less and less as they worked especially as Drusilla had warned him to stop. Hess had merely chuckled at her but had relented in the end.

Draco, Trinity, Ron and Hermoine along with Luna and most of the DA, finished the clean up in the Chamber of Secrets that Harry had opened for them again and with a spell from McGonagall the secret entrance was stuck open.

Bill, Arthur and Percy went with Bilius Prewett as he contact his friend in the Australian Ministry of Magic and after four hours the Minister of Magic decided to send a company of Aurors thirty strong to match the American Ministry's compliment. The day before the battle was to begin two attacks hit both Ministries of Magic hard and both were by a strength of forty death-eaters two hours apart and from the reports it was the same death-eaters in both cases.

Both Ministers of Magic stood only resolute and firm that they had done the right thing. The American Minister even sent two hit wizards to join the already growing mass within the castle.

Josiah, Draconian Malfoy and Aberforth Dumbledore came to join the throng the day before the battle and Snape, Josiah and Neville (After Neville and Harry had finished their nightly round with Voldemort.) Had convened back to the dungeons to work on the potion and spell that would summon Grindelwald's wraithlike spirit to the castle. A very nervous Horace Slughorn and Draco Malfoy were with them.

Harry was sitting on a comfortable squashy chair in the Chamber of Secrets along with Ron and Hermoine and of all people Hagrid.

"Remember Norbert?" Ron laughed. "Hagrid why did you want a dragon of all things?"

"Well ye see." Hagrid said. "Me dad started out just like Charlie, working with dragons and such. He'd tell me stories all the time about the dragons and how pretty they were."

"Oh I didn't know that your father worked with dragons Hagrid!" Hermoine said.

"I told Charlie in his firs year ye know. He used to come visit me at my cabin all the time like you three did." Hagrid said.

"So you're the one that got him interested in working with dragons." Ron said.

"Afraid so but don tell yer mom Ron. I think o lot of Molly and wouldn't want her too upset with me." Hagrid said.

"Don't worry Hagrid your secrets safe with us." Ron said.

"Remember firs year and you three and Malfoy going into the forbidden forest with me?" Hagrid said. "I laughed for days remembering Malfoy's sick look when he came running to find me and almost beat Fang to find us." He said chuckling. "Only bad thing about that Harry here."

"When I first really saw Voldemort for the first time. Drinking Unicorn blood." Harry said thinking back.

"Yer alright Harry? I could come down here with ye tomorrow and hide out in the pipes over there." Hagrid said.

"No Hagrid I'll be ok. Your needed up top with Grawpy and Charlie." Hermoine said.

"Who'd of thought a dragon could be ridden? Hasn't been anyone who could charm a beast like that in ages." Hagrid said and then sighed. "Yer right of course. Wouldn't mind seeing Tom's end though. It was he who got me suspended ye know."

"I know and I contacted Olivander the other day Hagrid and had a few words with the Minister of Magic and McGonagall and Dumbledore. It was our conclusion that Tom Riddles award for services to the school be taken and destroyed and something returned to you. Now we know that you have the pieces of your wand in your umbrella but we hoped that you would be ok with receiving an award from the school and an apology from the ministry." Harry said and brought out a copy of the days Prophet with the story about how Tom Riddle lied on Hagrid and was actually responsible for opening the chamber of secrets himself.

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