Mess is mine (part 4)

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Words: 3,848
Sam x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood and disturbing imagery, language

Deliberate cliffhanger this time people! MUAHAHA! This is part of a series! Catch up on the other parts here:

Your name:

The light Sam flicked on revealed a hotel room that looked like a piña colada had thrown up all over it... Everything was pineapple yellow or lime green and the wallpaper was adorned with a pattern that was unmistakably miniature pineapples. Jest mewed and squirmed in your arms as you stepped inside behind Sam, who was carrying your bag for you. Dean slammed the door shut behind the three of you and locked it immediately. The deadbolt clicking into place still sounded ominous despite the absurd décor you were standing in the middle of. You said nothing as you moved farther in and Jest sprang down from your arms, eager to explore.

"We got you the adjoining room," Sam said, pulling open a door in the middle of the wall. "That way you can have some privacy but we'll always be close." He ran his free hand through his long hair, feeling a little awkward, and you managed to give him a small nod. You still felt like you were walking around in a trance after what you had seen at your house... in the bathtub. The deep crimson against the porcelain and the unmistakable shape of slender fingers breaching the surface, creating ripples in the violent red as they floated–You briefly shut your eyes against another flashback and a wave of nausea. It seemed like you hardly had to think of it at all before the horrifying images rushed forward. Just like your nightmares, they were waiting on the periphery.

"...Y/N? Are you alright?" Sam's voice called you out of the flashback.

You cleared your throat but your voice still came out raspy and a little wilted sounding. "I'm—I'm okay."

Sam gave you another look of concern, his brow thoughtfully furrowed.

You wandered into the adjoining room past Sam, Jest at your heels, and looked around at the identical color scheme and wallpaper. Sam set your bag down on one of the beds. You glanced up at him and were surprised to find that he was already looking at you. "Thank you, Agent Black," you said softly as the two of you made eye contact.

Sam laughed a little awkwardly. "Call me Sam," he said. "Sam Winchester."

You nodded. "Alright. Sam." He gave you a tight smile.

"Look, we need to talk to you but you've been through a lot—too much today and...and recently. So if you want to rest first or something—"

"No, it's okay," you interrupted him. "I think I'd rather just hear this now. Any kind of explanation might help..."

Sam nodded and slid his hands into his pockets. You watched how he had to duck to go through the doorway between your rooms. In a moment he returned with his partner trailing behind him and you settled down on the end of the bed. Once Jest had completed a couple laps of the room he hopped lightly up next to you and nudged you until you scratched behind his ears.

Sam sighed. "Alright. You're sure you want to do this right now?" he asked again. You nodded. Sam turned and looked at Dean who sank down into one of the chairs at the tiny metal table.

"Like we mentioned, we're not with the FBI. I'm Dean Winchester and Sam is my little brother."

"Little?" you repeated, looking between them. Sam cracked a tiny smile.

Dean paused and raised an eyebrow at you, surprised that you had actually just sort of made a joke. Once he stopped, he didn't really know how to begin again. It never got easier delivering "the talk". He sighed heavily. "Look, Y/N... There are some things that most people don't need to know about; things that everyone feels safer and better off denying because they're quite literally—" he hesitated, "—the stuff out of nightmares."

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