No Guts, No Glory (Part 5)

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No Guts, No Glory (Part 5)

Author: Bell_1110

Word coun; 1058

Warning? breaking into a mall?

"You feeling ok? Are you sick? When did this start happening.?" Dean sounded like he knew something was going on.

"um I-i dont know I got sick around 2 weeks ago why?"

"Have you and Cas cough* know, s-"

"DEAN!" you whip around as if he's offended you but really you know he means good.

"Dean are you saying im...Pregnant?"

You turn to the sink again once more, holding your hair back to vomit.

"Steady there Y/N..." Dean Laughed "are you sure you... you know did it?" He coughed jokingly always inapropriate

After throwing up nothing, you turn to dean, shooting him a death glare, then you relaxed your tensed body and looked down.

"Are you saying that I'm pregnant? But-but that can be. He's an Angel he can prevent it. Why didn't he-" you stop to think when it hit you. Maybe he wanted a kid or maybe he didn't stop it on purpose.

"you ok?" dean asked "is something wrong?" knowing that face that says im in a deep thought. "Y/N, you can tell me anything you know?"

"Its just...what if he knew I was going to become pregnant or what if he wanted a kid-"

"you can't think like that. Right now, its apart of you and there's nothing you can do but wait and see."

"but if I have this child, it will always be in danger, we'll alway have to run and I will end up putting all of you in danger. I can't watch creatures hunt you- hunt us down."

"i would do anything for you and I dont care if we have to run for the rest of our lives, I just want to be with you-to be together again as a family"

Tears start forming in your eyes, dean embraces you in his arms, holding you close to him as he rest his chin on top of your head, bowing his head down to kiss your hair.

"Come on, i'm going to say this once but, let's go shopping." Dean hesitated.

You look up quickly and smile.

"If it makes you miserable, then yes, let's go shopping." you smile once more then let go from Deans embrace.

When you arrive at the mall, it was way past 10 at night. The drive was long but on occasion, you talked about previous hunting trips and current stuff happening. You were asleep for a bit of the trip.

"Hey sleepy head, we're here."

you rub your eyes lifting your head from the door.

"Wai-what? You said we are gonna go shopping, but the stores are closed."

"you do realise we're on a really tight budget right? So, instead of shopping and paying for expensive clothes, I thought, maybe we could 'borrow'?" Dean shot you a cheesey smile that made you smile.

"ow" your hands were instantly at your forehead, pressing your head to stop the head aches. Flash backs of dean were coming back.

You were in the impala about to head off on a hunting trip. Sam was in the back seat but Cas was nowhere to be seen. You were in the front with Dean. everyone seemed to be happy? maybe talking about good times? You couldn't make out what he said but he turned to you and smiled, ear to ear.

"ah" the head ache died down and you opened your eyes.

"you alright Y/N?"

"yeah yeah it was nothing just uh, a little headache," forcing a smile but behind that, you knew something was wrong, but you put it aside, tryin to forget about it.

"you ready to go?" dean asked, opening the door, helping you out of the car.

"yeah can't wait-wait, how about the cams they have in the malls? Wont we get caught?"

"that's the thing, ash got it covered. Gosh I love that guy." said dean with a smile on his face.

You both walk to the exit door and suprisingly, it wasn't lock so you both went right in. it's been around 4 years since you've been shopping for any sort of clothes and you gotta be honest, you've kinda forgotten your taste in fashion. Since you've been on the road with the Winchesters and alway's having to move around, so all you had was your 6 pairs of plaided shirts, black graphic rock band tanks 2 skinny jeans and a long black-cuffed pants, which was the one you were wearing to the mall. The mall was dark, only the lights from the back-ups were on but thank god for ash, he saw you both on the security camera's and turned on the lights for you.

You and dean shopped for...well...anything you wanted. There was so much to get but you knew you could only get enough for the road, but still you didn't care. You both shopped for your clothes,

"Hey, what about this one?" Dean held up a really kinky, black laced night dress that looked like something you'll wear while stripping.

"I'm not a stripper but if you're into stuff like that then you can get it." shrugging it off "What'd you get?"

Dean held up a blue plaided flannel and felt impressed that he even got something for himself.

"Is that the only stuff you wear? you have like, heaps of the same style at bobby's." putting up a point, even tho you didn't have to pay for it but you had fun critisising him.

"dont hate...apreciate" nodding his head slowly up then down, making you laugh until it hurt.

the ones that fit you took of course and then later, even went to get something to eat, even tho it was around 12 but you still didn't care since you didn't even notice what time it was. You had an entire trolley full of clothes for nearly every occasion you can think off. You and dean were now siting in the middle of the food court with bags of lollies, doughnuts, and 2 box of whiskey, but none for you.

"You want some?" dean said shoving a bottle of whiskey in your face.

"Nah i'd rather not. Think you're right...about me being pregnant, cause yes, ill admit, we did do it-"

"HAH see I knew it-I knew it." dean did the full body laugh like a child

"Shut-up dean. Are you gonna let me finish? I started to realize something was wrong when I first started to get these headaches for exactly 20 seconds I couldn't figure out what was happening, then I started to throw up in the mornings and from there on, I kinda figured out that I was pregnant."

"Woah, do you want to hold hands and hug" dean said sarcastically. You gave him the bitch please look and they you both went into a laugh.

"So, you ready to go? Or do you want to take the whole mall with you?" he couldn't stop laughing. Dean helped you up to your feet. It was around 2am and dean and you started to make you way back to the exit with your trolly full of clothes and him with his 2 box of whiskey with lollies backed in the box.

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