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Here it is! It's actually up sooner than I had expected but I went on holiday and I had a lot more time to write than I usually do so here is the prologue for all you lovely people,~

Slenderman's P.O.V

Moving around to the second body I examined the injuries. They weren't so bad but he had lost a lot of blood. I began to stitch up his wounds when he began to stir. He glassy eyes focused on my face and he winced when he tried to move. I would give it a while Jeff, I advised him. He massaged his head, 'Mind telling me what happened?' he croaked then winced. Even quiet sound would be too much for him right now. I smirked, Ask your dearly beloved. Both him and I knew that Jeff loved Jane and no matter how long he tried to hide it, it was a love that could never be reversed. He frowned concentrating. Sometimes I could never take him seriously with his unblinking eyes. I finished stitching up his wounds and was appreciative that he barely even flinched. The guy laid in a chair beside the doctor's bed that Jeff was laid on began to cough violently. He had sustained very bad injuries all over but I can't say it was not his own fault. My pastas and proxies could be very defensive or territorial when they wanted to be. His eyes flickered open though one of them was swollen half shut. Masky had always had a good punch and that was evident by the mess Hoodie was in when I found him left for dead on a cliff. He didn't have to tell me what had happened. I already knew. Instead of physical eyes I had all-seeing eyes, my psychic ability. I placed a tentacle on Jeff's forehead. You should rest, and watch who you go round trying to kiss next time. With that I teleported out of the room, which was the spare room in the basement which we used as a doctor's room, and into my office where I sat and observered. My job was to give the pastas and proxies a home and made sure that they did not get themselves in to -much- trouble however I didn't involve myself in their personal affairs. Most of the time it did feel as though I went round cleaning up their mess, they were all like immature little children. Jane was sat at the kitchen table, inconsolable. Sally and Rain were making a pitiful attempt at cheering her up but nothing seemed to be working. Smiledog sat sadly at her feet too. It seemed as though the others had not chosen sides between Jeff and Jane which was a good thing otherwise more fights would spark which would equal more tension which would cause more fights which I didn't want to have to sort out. Sally offered Jane her teddy bear, Charlie, which was her pride and joy and the offer surprised me. Rain was on the verge of tears which wasn't good for anyone who wanted to enjoy their summer day. I noticed that Masky was glaring at Jane which made me feel curious and uneasy. I had a bad feeling about anything that involved Masky and Jane being in a relationship. He briskly left the room and retreated to his own room. Once he was up there he punched his door and proceeded to smash things up in his room. I tuned into his head and it was made clear to me that Masky was not exactly happy that Jane felt remorse over what she had done to Jeff. I heard an angry yell and saw that more people had gathered in the kitchen to help calm Jane but she was already heading up the stairs to barricade herself in her room. Smiledog had followed her sneakily to keep her company. I knew that Smile and Jane had a special connection that none of the others would be able to forge with Smiledog because Jane was the one who had found him. I checked in on Jeff and Hoodie who were attempting a conversation but they were both equally exhausted so it wasn't a very long or fluent conversation. Before zoning out of what was happening I heard Hoodie say feebly, 'All you and Jane have brought us has been nothing but unwanted drama.' Jeff didn't reply but he heard what Hoodie had said. I focused on seeing my actual surroundings and was once again, in my study. I picked up the thick black book which rested on my desk and opened it to the next blank space. I used my favourite ink pen to write in the book. It was mainly a document on everything that happened in the house, when we were low on resources and when a pasta or proxy came or left. I knew that what Hoodie had said about Jeff and Jane was true and I had a nagging feeling that there was a lot more drama to come.


It had taken almost a month for me to be able to fully heal Jeff but Hoodie was still in a bad way. Today Jeff was able to go back to living in the main part of the mansion now though I imagine his reappearance would cause a lot of distress, especially for Jane. Everyone else was coping well enough but Jane was not at all. She was in total denial. I wasn't sure how she would react. I watched Jeff leave the room and make himself some food, a lot of food. I couldn't blame him. He hasn't exactly been eating five star meals while he had been cramped in here. Then he sat and ate... Waiting.

So there it is, please please please tell me what you think, it would help me a lot^.^

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