Sticks and Stones

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Clockwork's P.O.V

Oh. No. This was not good. Why were they here?! I thought that the barrier was up, humans shouldn't be able to see the house, never mind be able to get in. What the hell was going on? One of the humans barked out some orders and the rest began to try to tie us up. I say try, if anyone knew us well enough they'd know that we weren't going down without a fight. Immediately we all fought against the armour clad humans and just as suddenly, gunshots were fired. I saw Sally squeal and fall to the floor, clutching her stomach. A red stain grew rapidly on her pink dress. Blood, for once her own. Rage built up inside of me and I punched the officer trying to handcuff me right in the face, it wasn't very effective because of his helmet but it did knock him off guard for a moment. I pounced on him and pinned him to the ground. Thankfully I had my knife with me and began to lash violently at his face and chest. The blade's cool edge cut right through his shirt however he was wearing a bulletproof vest. I growled in frustration and anger as more and more officers were trying to grab my arms. I heard the head officer shout something about not killing us which only meant that we were going to be experimented on, probably... This wasn't looking good for us. My head swirled and black spots clouded my vision... The blurred outlines of the humans were merging into one another. Screams filled my ears, Sally's screams and all the other's, even my own I think. The sillouettes were still swaying and the volume level just kept increasing. I stood back up again but it was all too much. I closed my eyes and anticipated the worst outcome. The sound of gunshots got less and less frequent, they were killing us all. Tears swam in my closed eyes, I didn't want to face my killer so I just awaited my death. As I pondered if this is what the humans felt like when we were about to kill them, I felt a warmth touch my face, probably blood, mine. Time passed but for some reason I felt myself getting better and better. Did this mean I had crossed to another side like an afterlife. I opened my eyes only to be faced by the blood splattered walls and ceiling of the basement but no soliders. Next to me, Jane was kneeling looking more pale than usual. Relief burst over her face when she saw my eyes open and as I turned my head I saw that the soliders hadn't gone but their bloody bodies were scattered across the floor and the warmth on my face was Jane's hand. The rest weren't in the room. "Oh my god, you're awake. I think you're concussed, you were out for so long we have been so worried. Wait I should probably be quiet your head must be killing you aha," she fretted. It wasn't until she actually mentioned anything about my head that I realised I had an agonising headache. I pushed myself up to a sitting postition and managed to ask, "But I wasn't out long was I?" and was then rewarded by sharper throbbing pains go though my skull. Instead of answering me, Jane was already halfway across the room, manouvering through bodies, after a distracted 'stay there for a minute and rest, I'll get you a drink' and made her way up the stairs. There was some sort of forced calmness about her that rang alarm bells leaving me to worry and left me unable to follow her instructions. What about the others? Were they okay? And Sally, was she alive? I couldn't just sit here clueless, I needed to see my family. Though my splitting headache willed me not to, I got up and made my way up the stairs to the kitchen. Most of the house residents were silent and crowded round something on the kitchen table. Slendy was there too, this was really bad. I pushed my way through the small crowd to see what was going on and noticing that many people were covered in blood, not their own though which wasn't the usual case, and all sorts of cuts, scrapes and bruises. Everyone looked a mess but not as bad as the body that laid on the table. Most people would see us as heartless killers which, in some way, we are but honestly we had feelings like everyone else and if this wasn't obvious by now, it was when I saw Sally's pale, damaged self laid out on the table. Her brown hair was strewn messily around her face and her frail body seemed paper thin and could tear at any moment. The slow rise and fall of her chest was barely noticable but the only indicator that she was still alive. Just about. Suddenly my headache didn't seem too important anymore. My legs gave in as I crashed down onto the floor next to the table and lightly grabbed the little girl's hand. A sob erupted from my chest breaking the silence and echoing around the room. "Sally no," I whispered through sobs and deep breaths. "You have to do something!" Everyone looked at me, expressions torn. Why wouldn't they do anything?! "Slenderman you can help her, why won't you help her?" I screamed at him. I stood up and stroked her hair gazing into her eyes. Their natural emerald shine has dulled to a miserable murky green, deprived of life. "It's going to be okay," I kept spluttering desperately. Rage simmered inside of me. Why would nobody help her? If nobody else would try then I would do it myself. I could go find a doctor. No. I could fix her myself and she'd be okay again. She would be okay. I attempted to lift her from the table but pairs on hands grabbed me and pulled me back. Their voices were telling me that I couldn't help her but I could! I could help her! As they pulled me back out of the crowd Sally strained to turn her head to look at me, her lips formed the ghost of a smile and a single red tear fell from her eye just before the last life died out of her eyes, her soul leaving her. Leaving me. I screamed.

Jeff's P.O.V

I pulled my knife out of the last soldier in disgust. Jane and msyelf had heard the commotion from upstairs and had to sneak up on them to avoid getting shot and to stop them from hurting our friends. It's a good job we are good at hunting as a pair, probably better than we are alone and that's usually rare. Jane had already begun to assist everyone out and she was coming back to stay with Clock, she had passed out, someone must've really hit her hard. I did admire her, she always was very kind to others before this, not like any of the past mattered but from time to time I couldn't help the flashes that I'd get in my mind. I passed her on the stairs and caught her arm on the way by, she looked up at me with her wide eyes clearly too focused on everything else to have expected me to talk to her. My words failed on me for a moment as I stared into her eyes but I quickly recovered and managed a smile, "Good hunting." She smiled in return, a warm genuine smile, nodded, and snapped back into her focused state of mind. In the kitchen, everyone was seeing if everyone was okay but most of the worry was aimed on Sally. She had been severely injured and was dying. "Can't you do anything?" someone asked Slenderman who, for once didn't seem his cool and composed self. Not a good sign. It seemed like minutes before he shook his head sullenly. "Her soul has already begun to cross over, once that journey has begun, there is no coming back." I obsevered Sally. He was right. You could almost see her spirit leaving it's body because it was happening so rapidly. Poor girl, maybe if we had gotten there faster then we would've been able to save her. I felt a small tug at the bottom of my shirt and looked to see the new girl, Rain looking at Sally with worried young eyes. Her expression broke my heart. It was confusion, loss, hopelessness and defeat all in one. Tears filled her eyes and I think it was in that moment that I made a silent vow to myself to protect this little girl with my life, which I couldn't do for Sally. Maybe it was because she reminded me of Sally. I couldn't really explain it but I suddenly felt like it was my duty to protect her, which I would. Before she could ask or say anything, I picked her up and took her away from Sally. I would have to find her a distraction. She didn't need to watch this, I knew she had gotten close to Sally and saw her as a role model, she didn't deserve to watch her best friend die. Rain didn't object or resist in any way, she might have been in shock but as I walked away with her, I heard the pattering of rain outside...

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