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Thank you for the appreciation. I literally didn't expect such a feedback to this story.

Shehryaar's POV:-

I saw her smiling as i agreed to give this relationship another chance. "Ok so we start from now itself!" She said and I looked at her cute child like expressions and smiled.

"Zahra..are you really sure that you wanna give this a go" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'm sure Shehryaar. In a relationship its now about how much love you have in the beginning. It's about how much love you build till the end"

I looked down at the divorce papers in my hand and then back at her. "Zahra promise me one thing."

I said seriously and she urged me to speak. " 2 months. In these 2 months if this doesn't work.I'll file these petition papers and you'll move on in life" I said and she looked at the papers.

"I promise" she said and a faint smile plastered on her lips. I just don't want to hold her back from living life.

If this relationship doesn't work out,I don't want her to get isolated like I did.

"But you also have to promise me one thing." She said and raised her gaze.

"Promise me Shehryaar that you will not let the past be a obstacle in your future. Promise me that you will give your best to make this relationship a successful one. If it's meant to be it'll"

I was just out of words. She really wants this. "But why do you want this relationship to work? You very well know that I can't give you the happiness"

I said and stared right in her eyes. "Because I want you to be happy. Because I want you to the same Shehryaar Asif which you were before Sara stepped in your life. Because I want you to move on" She said not once breaking the gaze and I was at a loss of words.

Since the day we got married I've been everything to her except being nice.

I had hurt her with my words, sometimes through my actions. But I never meant to do any of them.

After all this still she wants to do it for my happiness.

"Sometimes Shehryaar happiness does not mean being happy for oneself. Sometimes happiness lies in the happiness of others,of people surrounding us and people whom we love."

"I promise Zahra. I'll try to give my best and let go of my past" I finally uttered and she smiled wide.

The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful shade of orange and red. The setting sunlight reflecting on her face made her look beautiful.

For the first time I observed her face this closely. Brown hair, big almond shaped coffee coloured eyes, a straight nose and soft pink full lips.

My heart rate started to get abnormal as my gaze landed on her lips.

"Lets have a walk around?" I said to divert my attention and she looked at me nodding readily.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as we walked around the park together.

Children playing around, families having a time together and couples walking hand in hand.

It was awkward walking like that so I decided to talk "Tell me about your family. Like who all are there and so as I don't know anything about you" I said and looked at her.

Her expressions pained telling me that she went through not a good time.

"Zahra let it out. The more you'll suppress the more it'll suffocate you. Let it flow" I said the same thing that she told me.

She smiled though her eyes told a different tale. We stopped walking and sat on a bench nearby the lake.

Zahra's POV:-

I smiled as he repeated my words. We sat on a bench nearby the lake and he turned to me.

Taking in a deep breath I started "Life wasn't always perfect for me Shehryaar. All these years I just craved for love,care and affection. A feeling of being loved. My mother passed away whenever I was 5. My dad married again and brought in a step mother. I expected my father to love me but it all happened the opposite. I was abused,hurted and cursed every day"

I wiped away the moisture from my eyes as I scratched my past.

"Apne hi baap ke liye zehmat ban chuki thi mai,ek bojh ban chuki thi. Wo bas chahte the ki mai unse dur chali jaau. Zindagi mei kabhi kisine apnepan ka ehsaas nai dilaya. Pata nai us Rabb ko kya manzoor tha" I said as I now broke down sobbing and Shehryaar held me by my shoulders making me face him.

Shehryaar's POV:-

" Apne hi baap ke liye zehmat ban chuki thi mai,ek bojh ban chuki thi. Wo bas chahte the ki mai unse dur chali jaau. Zindagi mei kabhi kisine apnepan ka ehsaas nai dilaya. Pata nai us Rabb ko kya manzoor tha" she said as she now broke into tears.

Seeing her like this made my heart cringe. I held her by the shoulders and made her face me. I just didn't know how to console her.

She already went through so much and here I was giving her more pain and tears which she never deserved.

Zindagi mei kabhi kisine apnepan ka ehsaas nai dilaya....

Her words affected me more than I thought.

I slid a little closer to her and lifted her chin so she could meet my gaze.

Her bloodshot eyes and tears were something that made me feel guilty of being so rude to her. But I am doing it for her well being.

Raising my hand I wiped her tears "Zahra I can't promise to be a pencil and write your happiness but I promise to be a eraser and remove your sadness" I said and she looked at me.

Pulling her close I wrapped my arm around her and caressed her hair to calm her as she cried hiding her face in my chest.

I promise Zahra......

Who all love me now for this quick update=p

Things are starting to get better.

Thank you for the appreciation.
Keep voting,COMMENTING and sharing and I promise to give early updates.

P.s:- I love the song



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