Chapter 24

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Ashton's POV:

She was walking to the door and I shoved another bite of spaghetti in my mouth.

"Hello, have you seen this man? He was last seen in this neighbourhood and caused some trouble." A man, probably a police officer, said. I got up to see what was happening at the front door, when I heard mumbles coming from the garden.

I walked over there and opened the back door. When I looked to the left, I saw Luke, Calum and a girl who looks familiar. They were sitting on the steps and when I looked over Luke's shoulder, I saw his laptop and video's of the places where me and Liah were sitting.

"What's all of this?" I asked and they jumped and turned around. "Ermm." The girl said. "This is supposed to be a prank, man." Calum said. "Can you not, the police is at the front door." I said and they all shot up.

I ran inside towards Liah, who was sitting on the couch talking to the officer, tears present in her eyes. I sat beside her and put my arm on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked and she burst out crying. "That... Man... That man... That man is my dad." She said, just above a whisper. "Do you mean, your real father?" Luke asked. She nodded. "We received some calls of a man walking around and vandalize some properties. He is carrying two things as to what witnesses say to be a picture of a girl and a hammer." The officer said to all of us.

"Would he be in a rage attack?" The girl said to Liah. "That could be highly possible." Liah answered, "Thanks, Joyce." We talked about what his name is and what he will possibly be searching for.

There was a knock on the door and everyone shared some looks. "I'll go." Luke said and walked up to the door to open it.

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