Chapter 18

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Liah's POV:

"Shut up." I mumbled when my alarm went off. I took my phone off my night stand and shut him up. "Thank god." I said and typed in my code to unlock it. That's when I saw it was Thursday! We have today and tomorrow off. 'God damn it Hemmings,you don't have school' my mind told me.

Wait.... Did I just call myself Hemmings? 'nevermind' it said and I stepped out of my bed. Now I'm awake, I better get up and do something useful. So I showered and got dressed, putting on a flowery trousers with a dark red crop top. I found Luke's white sneaker socks (which you find everywhere since he isn't that neat) and put them on. Don't worry, they are clean. I took a notebook and a pen, walking downstairs after. I set the notebook, pen and my phone on the table and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I made some toast with avocado and a poached egg on top. Yep, I like to cook and when I have the opportunity, I will make the best breakfast I can. I took a fork and knife and sat at the table. Whilst eating my breakfast, I wrote a letter to Ashton.

"Dear Ashton,
I thought it would be time for us to get to know each other better. And because I heard you never make the first move, I decided to make it. So, what do you think about a nice dinner at mine. Don't worry, there is no one home. Liz and Andrew are out of town, visiting family. And Luke is with Ben probably having a FIFA championship...
You can call it a date, if you want... You don't have to, but you can... Oh my god, I'm so awkward.

Anyway, it's next Saturday at 7pm. I will cook dinner and have ordered pizza as a back-up. I know what you are thinking and no, I'm not going to screw up my awesome spagetti.

I hope to see you then.
Lots of love,
Liah xx"

I just finished the letter when I heard someone come down the stairs. "What are you writing, sis?

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