The Bloggettes: Chapter 9

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Vanessa's POV

I had been in London almost two weeks and Niall... well he was leaving today... heading for the rest of the UK to finish touring... I heard him whine in protest when his alarm went off and when he rolled over to shut it off, I pinned him to the bed.

“I’m not allowing you to leave today.” I said. “I forbid it.”

"OH baby.. it's okay.. we'll be okay....." he whispered, holding me to him.

“How do you know that?” I whispered back, “How do you know I won’t give into temptation and how do I know you won’t give in?”

"Because i love you.... no one else... and i trust you..." he said, softly. He brushed the hair off my shoulder and kissed it lightly, “I need to get ready.”

"no.." i pouted.

“Baby don’t make this harder on me than it already is.” he pleaded.

"I'm sorry..." I whimpered, rolling over, so he wouldn't see my tears.

“Princess look at me.” he said, trying to roll me back over.

“Just go get ready Niall.” I sniffled. He sighed and got up to shower...... I just began to cry and texted Jen.

Nessie: this sux.

Jen: ik.....

Nessie: I want him 2 stay here...but at the same time I feel selfish 4 want him 2 stay here.

Jen: i k i feel the same way.. harry is crying... i can hear it.... even over the shower water... break my heart

Nessie: :I don’t no if Ni is...he turned his music on. Is it wrong of me 2 want 2 kidnap Haz nd Ni nd keep ‘em here??

Jen: not at all... i want to as well.

Nessie: then we’re gonna need food and kitties for bait.

Jen: *giggles* im on board......

Nessie: we so bad ass *snaps fingers*

Jen: indeed... see you after? I sighed, we were joking.. i knew he had to go...

Nessie: of course....... I sighed and set my phone aside, as Niall came out, his face red and his eyes puffy as he began to pack.

“Ni have you been crying?” I asked softly. He shook his head and tossed some shirts into his suitcase.

“No..It’s just dusty in there.”

"Ni.... baby.." I whimpered.

"It doesn't matter.. tears or not.. i still have to go.." he choked out. God I felt horrible, here I am worrying about I felt and I barely stopped to think about him. I feel like the world’s worst girlfriend. I crawled out of bed and crossed the room to where he was standing. I hugged him from behind and let my head fall into the space between his shoulders.

"I love you.." i whispered. He sighed and paused, slamming his drawer shut.

"I love you too.." he choked out.

“Then why do I get the feeling you’re angry with me?”

"Im not.. im angry with the situation..." he said, softly.

I sighed and began to massage his shoulders softly. “It’s only a few weeks baby.”

"But it seems lek forever when im not with you.." he said. The tears blurred my vision again and I tried desperately to not make them fall.

“I’s going to be weird not waking up to you every morning.”

"my bed's gonna be cold.." he whispered.

The Bloggettes: A One Direction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now